Bad passwords that endanger many companies

Bad passwords that endanger many companies

A new study by OneLogin found that UK IT managers were putting their business data at risk by failing to effectively manage employee passwords. In parallel to World Password Day, Unified Access Management interviewed 300 IT decision makers in the UK to learn about their attitudes towards password and password security. Focus on internal enterprise network protection policies. Although 98% of IT decision makers have implemented password complexity guidelines and 95% have abandoned their current password protection measures, OneLogin research found that there was still a lot to do. Two-thirds (66%) of respondents do not check passwords against regular password lists, and more than three-quarters (78%) do not check employee passwords against Password Complexity algorithms. This poor password security makes UK businesses vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

hygiene password

Thomas Pedersen, CTO and founder of OneLogin, explained the company's management report on passwords published by the company: "This report should remind all UK business leaders to carefully review their password management." Cybercriminals thrive in companies that don't meet basic security requirements, making it an open invitation. to any hacker looking for easy passwords.” Although most respondents practice good password hygiene, many said the basics were often missing. Less than 19% check passwords against rainbow tables, more than half (51%) do not require special characters and just under half (47%) do not require numbers or Capital or lower case (37%).OneLogin also found that only 53% of businesses needed single sign-on integration, that 35% had implemented password complexity strategies and 70% had not implemented any password-based policies Password rotation.