AWS: Why do we need to accelerate machine learning?

AWS: Why do we need to accelerate machine learning?

Amazon Web Services has launched a call to accelerate the development of machine learning across the technology space. Speaking at the company's AWS Summit in London today, a company executive said that AI would play an important role in the development of many future technologies, with AWS ready to deliver the required tools and services. "Progress is not fast enough," said Matt Garman, vice president of AWS Compute, during his speech. "Most customers want even faster execution."


Garman recalled Amazon's 20 years of experience using machine learning technology, dating back to its origins as an online bookstore offering personalized recommendations based on past purchases. From now on, the company's cloud computing branch has become an extremely influential global technology player. AWS now offers more than 165 services in more than 24 regions of the world and includes millions of organizations, including Sainsburys, HSBC and the Department of Justice. AWS Summit scenario. "There's more machine learning on AWS than anywhere else," Garman said, "we need to make ML much more accessible." Garman also wanted to promote the company's AWS IoT system, which was meant to help manage and use data across the entire technology stack, even at the edge. The company has millions of IoT customers in 190 countries, including GE, Haier and Siemens, and claims to be able to offer "the most comprehensive platform for IoT."