Are you still using Windows 7? Time to move on, but well done

Are you still using Windows 7? Time to move on, but well done
Eleven years after its debut, Windows 7 has reached the end of its life. The venerable operating system will no longer receive security updates from Microsoft (unless, as happened with Windows XP in 2017, something really dangerous is found), so it's about time. Say goodbye and go to Windows 10. It may be easy to make fun of anyone who still uses an old operating system, but if you (or a member of your family) are still using Windows 7 for everyday computing, I'd say it's something to do. respect. Not only is this the economical option, sticking with an older kit minimizes waste and means there is less demand for materials such as cobalt (used in batteries), which is in short supply and is often mined in terrible conditions. Although there is a growing demand for technologies built ethically and sustainably (and companies like Fairphone are a step in the right direction), the best option is to continue using all the devices you have for as long as possible.

Don't waste it...

Your Windows 7 device has probably been happily evolving for at least seven years (Windows 8 was released in 2012, but has proven so unpopular with users that many retailers have continued to offer Windows 7 as an option until when Windows 8.1 was released in 2013) and resisting the temptation of shiny new hardware for so long is admirable. There's relentless pressure to upgrade your hardware, advertisers try hard to convince you that you're missing out, but unless you're into gaming or video editing, the fact is you're not; You don't need 128 GB of RAM and a Core i9 processor for everyday tasks. Google Chrome may be a memory hog, but it's not that bad.

Old laptop

You don't need new hardware to run Windows 10 (Image credit: Shutterstock) The good news is that there's no need to pay for a new PC or laptop if you're happy with your current one. Upgrading from Windows 7 to Windows 10 is a simple process and it doesn't cost you a dime. It could even benefit from a speed boost; Windows 10 is optimized to run smoothly even on low-powered devices. That's why Microsoft decided to drop the Aero Glass interface from Windows 7; These fuzzy, translucent toolbars used resources that could be better used elsewhere. Don't worry if you lose the Aero look, you can give Windows 10 a retro makeover with free software and a few simple tweaks. Either way, great job keeping your hardware for this long. We hope you have many more productive years with Windows 10 on board.