Apple probably doesn't know how to fix your broken Mac Pro

Apple probably doesn't know how to fix your broken Mac Pro
This is according to a report from Apple Insider, which reveals that many Apple employees are still not trained to deal with Mac Pro issues more than three months after its initial release. One employee contacted didn't even know how to turn it on: he was trying to power the machine by inserting a USB-C charger into one of its Thunderbolt ports. This lack of knowledge became apparent after Apple Insider contacted the company about an issue with its Mac Pro. The first agent they spoke to was not qualified to deal with Mac Pro issues and transferred them to a "working group ", presumably set to specifically address Mac Pro issues, though they didn't. We couldn't help. After a few trips back and forth between various support reps, they were finally advised to lug around the 18-pound machine to an Apple Store, but things continued to go off the rails. "An employee rushes to the door to carry it for us as we get stares from all the employees, none of whom have ever seen a 2019 Mac Pro on board a customer," the report said, adding that the first Genius employee Bar they knew tried to use a standard power cord to power the machine because the store did not have Mac Pro power cords in stock. This led to the aforementioned anecdote of the employee plugging a USB-C cable into one of the tower's Thunderbolt ports.

(Image credit: Brittany Hosea-Small/AFP/Getty Images) After several technicians failed to identify the issue, they took it to the next level of support, and since then, "the machine has checked into the Apple Store as they work to "This is probably the only time anyone has trouble getting their Mac Pro repaired. Apple Insider has found that the largest Apple Stores have only one or two employees who they have received Mac Pro training, and in some small shops that number is zero. This is good news if you are a corporate client. The report notes that support for professional Mac Pro users is "excellent," with knowledgeable staff on the machine and available to assist you. It's not surprising, though, when you think a machine will set you back around $5,999, and it'll only get you the lowest model.