Apple HomePod finally begins broadcasting a radio station

Apple HomePod finally begins broadcasting a radio station

The HomePod didn't have a lot of time (read: none) at the Apple iPhone 11 event earlier this week, but that doesn't mean Apple has completely forgotten about it.

In fact, the HomePod should have a lot of new features before the end of the year, even if some of them should have been around.

The launch of the add feature this month is the introduction of radio station playback. Starting September 30, you can ask Siri to listen to one of roughly 100,000 radio stations in the world. The smart assistant will continue to be used by TuneIn, iHeartRadio and

This is a standard feature of virtually any other smart speaker. So it's a welcome feature, if it's late.

A little later in the year, some additional extras are coming to the HomePod.

"Later this fall," Apple will add multi-user support, allowing more than one family member to be recognized by the Siri assistant, as well as introducing handoff. of music.

Finally, HomePod will have an "Ambient Sounds" feature that will broadcast rain, birdsong, and other relaxation sounds without the need to stream from an app.

All the welcome features, therefore, if a few steps behind the smart speaker package.