Amazon found a way to let you shop at a mall without going to the mall

Amazon found a way to let you shop at a mall without going to the mall

Amazon's next store update will let you digitally browse malls and pick up new clothes and items for same-day delivery.

The new pilot program will reach 15 cities in the United States, including Chicago, Washington, Seattle and Las Vegas. If you live in one of these places (and have an Amazon Prime membership), you'll be able to access digital versions of Diesel, Pacsun, Superdry and GNC from your local mall, picking out clothes and items just like you would on the shelves. .

Once you've placed your order, an Amazon delivery driver will pick it up and bring it to you later that day, just like a takeout delivery service like GrubHub (which is free for a year with Prime) or DoorDash but for regular stories. Unfortunately, even though this is a Prime benefit, you don't automatically get free shipping; you will need to spend at least €25 on your order or shell out €2.99 to get your new gifts.

As part of an exclusive report in Today (Opens in a new tab), journalist Blayne Alexander (Opens in a new tab) explained that new cities, malls, and stores will be added to the pilot program in the coming months (assuming that all goes well). Alexander added that a few other stores would be joining the current lineup fairly soon, but it's not yet clear which new stores will make the cut.

We reached out to an Amazon representative for more details on the company's new collaboration with the mall and will update this page when we contact you.

Amazon hopes to bring the magic of the mall right to your doorstep. @ReporterBlayne gives us an exclusive new look at Amazon's pilot program that brings online shopping and the real mall experience together. 1, 2022

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Analysis: Let's not go to the mall

Amazon has long been touted as the force that will bring about the end of physical stores. Thanks to its extensive online collection and the convenience of online shopping and home delivery, we have less and less reason to go out instead of buying only from our smartphones and laptops.

This latest effort continues that trend.

As Amazon explained as part of the Today Show report, this pilot program will make it easier for people to shop at their favorite stores and stay on top of current fashion trends. Plus, they'll get their order almost as quickly as if they were driving to the mall, all without having to burn their own expensive gas and waste time getting there.

For the stores themselves, it will be easier than ever to connect with customers, which could help them win back customers who had given up shopping in person.

There are some minor downsides to the new system, like you won't be able to try on clothes before you buy them, but if you know the store and what size you normally have to buy there, then hopefully you shouldn't have - the. turning clothes too often.

We'll have to wait and see if the pilot goes well, but if it's successful and new malls and brick-and-mortar stores decide to get in on the action, it could prove the old maxim right: if you can't fight, join them.