Aliens: Fireteam looks like the Colonial Marines game we've always waited for

Aliens: Fireteam looks like the Colonial Marines game we've always waited for
Aliens: Fireteam is a next-gen third-person cooperative survival shooter, and judging by the trailer below, it might actually be pretty good. The setting, atmosphere, weapons, and iconic enemies from the movies always seemed to be preferred by video game developers, but the execution of previous Alien games left a lot to be desired. Aliens: Fireteam aims to solve this problem, with a team element that allows you to fend off hordes of ferocious aliens in an effort to survive. The short trailer shows off impressive lighting effects and the familiar claustrophobic setting that will leave you with little leeway. All the most memorable alien types make an appearance as well: from the face hugger to the jet-black Xenomorph. You will face more than 20 types of enemies in total, including 11 different Xenomorphs. However, if there's one thing we've learned about games based on Ridley Scott's iconic franchise, especially those that focus on the Colonial Marines, it's that we need to severely temper our expectations.

Alien agony

Who can forget the injury inflicted by Gearbox Software's disastrous 2013 title Aliens: Colonial Marines, which infamously over-promised and, arguably, misled critics and gamers when it released? The excellent Alien: Isolation has helped restore the franchise's viability as a brand players could believe in again, so if Aliens: Fireteam can reach that level of quality and finally fulfill the dream of fighting back to back with your teammates. could be. keep watch. Aliens: Fireteam is scheduled to release on PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, and PC in summer 2021 (which will be winter if you're in Australia). Best Alien of the Day: Isolation Deals