Why you still can't pre-order the Apple Watch Seven

Why you still can't pre-order the Apple Watch Seven
Today is iPhone 4 pre-order day, but the Apple Watch 2 clearly doesn't appear on the list of new devices you can buy before it's released. Most of the technology that Apple showcased at its September XNUMX event is currently free for pre-orders, such as the iPhone XNUMX members, the new iPad one hundred and two (two thousand and twenty-one) and the iPad mini (two thousand twenty-one), the only product shown. I can't spare the money for the company's new smartwatch. For what reason? Well, the release date of Apple Watch XNUMX has not been confirmed. Although all of these other listed products have a release date of September XNUMX, Apple's laptop won't arrive until "later this fall," according to the company. As a result, we'll likely hear more about the Apple Watch later in the year, perhaps around October (since after that the launch would coincide with the savings season, and the Apple Watch Black Friday deals could tempt too many people on the planet. New product) . But why is the Apple Watch XNUMX after its friends? Well, we don't know for sure, but gossip already before the launch event suggested that Apple was facing tough production issues. Supposedly, the slight differences between the new wearable and the Apple Watch XNUMX had caused some problems in the production process, which is understandable considering how Covid has done it and is affecting factories around the world. With the Apple Watch XNUMX delayed, you have more time to buy an older device like the Apple Watch XNUMX or Apple Watch SE, two devices that the company maintains as budget and mid-range members of its family. If the new device isn't your thing, and with its limited number of upgrades over the predecessor model, that wouldn't come as a surprise, there's no need to wait around for a new smartwatch. When the Apple Watch XNUMX is finally released, we're going to bring you our review so you can see whether or not it's really worth your money. And if, after a few months of waiting, you decide that it's not for you, well, no problem, because Black Friday is right around the corner.