Why should you care about high frame rate movies in 2020?

Why should you care about high frame rate movies in 2020?
When it was first suggested that 2012's The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey might come out in 48fps in theaters instead of the traditional 24fps we're used to, there was a backlash. . High frame rates are celebrated in games, but in movies and TV shows, that's the kind of thing we associate with our parents' TVs when they mess up the settings - but it's a dithering effect, rather than a movie displayed at a high frame rate.

What is high frame rate (HFR)? (Image credit: LG) High Frame Rate, or HFR, refers to a frame rate greater than 25fps for movies and 30fps for all other output. HFR content provides more visual clarity by capturing more data in the filming process, which can then be displayed on some TVs, such as LG OLED displays powered by the Alpha a9 processor, which can display native 120 frames per second content without interpolation of movement. So how do you combat this stigma? It's going to take time, and honestly, more movies will be released at higher frame rates than what we're currently seeing. The last to prove it was Will Smith's film, directed by Ang Lee, Gemini Man, released in theaters last year. You probably know it as the action movie where young Will Smith fights Will Smith today. Smith plays the former Henry Brogan and 'Junior', a cloned assassin sent after the original. The Junior version is a CG creation created by effects company Weta Digital, based on Smith's own mo-cap, and comprising semi-procedural skin modeled for realism on a microscopic level. Shot in 4K, 3D, and 120 frames per second (although most movie screens display it at 60 frames per second), the film garnered positive reviews for the technology behind the film, though reviews were generally negative. . One reviewer described the HFR as "somewhat flimsy, weird and fake actors, objects and even the air". We spoke with the film's technical supervisor, Ben Gervais, who worked with director Lee on this film, about how higher frame rates can provide enhancements to the viewing experience. "Typically, not just in the action genre but in movies in general, it's a third-person voyeuristic experience, and (Ang) really wanted the cinematic experience to be much more intimate," Gervais said. "What we've found is that the more detail you give a viewer, the more their eyes like it. The more they forget that it is a normal movie screen, the more they are drawn into the story." Ben Gervais, Technical Director "So, one of the things we've explored is high frame rate, and what we've found is that the more detail you give a viewer, the more their eyes forget that it's a normal movie screen, the more they are drawn to the story." While this isn't what audiences are used to, it can't detract from the fact that some filmmakers want to defy tradition, while all the other movies they watch are broadcast at 24 frames per second. "It becomes much more of a first-person type of experience, which in turn gives (Ang) more tools to tell a story, so that the viewer feels invested in what's going on, both in action and drama. , and to really give you that sense of immediacy. That something is happening right now as opposed to just being a passive observer.

(Credit Image: Paramount Pictures / Skydance)

Fighting tradition

"Privacy," as Gervais puts it, is certainly one of the benefits of showing a movie at a higher frame rate. But what else is there for the viewer that is worth challenging their traditional notions of how movies are supposed to be? "Besides the intimacy, there's emotion in the action scenes that we get. There's definitely a level of emotion that you can pull off there that you don't. It's not the same in a normal action movie." Gervais says this means that typical filming techniques like slow motion serve a different function when showing film at 60 or 120 frames per second, so there aren't many slow motion shots in Gemini Man. "There are some slow motion shots, but the basic difference is that the reason you use slow motion (on an action movie) is that you want the audience to see something that they couldn't see at 24 frames, because it's too much. blurry. We don't have this problem, because you see everything. People can still see things in real time, and it will have the same effect." "The reason you use slow motion is because you want the audience to see something they couldn't see at 24 frames, because it's too blurry." He doesn't have this problem, because he sees everything. People can still see things in real time, and it will actually have the same effect.” Ben Gervais “Slow motion essentially becomes a different tool for us. It actually becomes a tool to stretch out a moment, and that's what Ang uses in Gemini Man. Instead of showing the audience details that they would have otherwise missed because they see all the details anyway, it's really ( because) Ang likes the moment when Henry and Junior's faces are face to face during they are fighting with the catacombs. He wants this shot to last longer, which is why we're shooting it in slow motion, rather than just so people can see what's going on." We wouldn't necessarily agree that slow motion is only used in movies. traditional action shots due to blur - it's probably as much about prolonging the moment or Looks great in these cases too. But it's worth noting that visual clarity is an advantage of higher frame rates. We asked Gervais what it will take him audiences to accept the idea of ​​presenting films in this way." There's definitely an audience adjustment that needs to happen in terms of getting over the feel, but there's also an adjustment on the filmmaker's side to adjust to a new tool. And somewhere, they meet in the middle, and that's where the sweet spot will be.

Gemini man

(Image credit: Paramount Pictures) "I think we've certainly seen a progression from The Hobbit movies to Ang's last movie before that, Billy Lynn's Halftime Walk. (With) Gemini Man, we've certainly had a better reception among certain segments of the population as to what high frame rate looks like, especially with a younger audience, especially those under 30 who have spent a lot of time playing video games and trying things out. like virtual reality. They're a little more open about what this technology can mean." Gervais suggests that interest in the format also differs according to local history with cinema. "Also in developing markets, like China and places like that, we see they have a little less, I wouldn't call it baggage, but they have less history with film, so they're a little more open to playing around with conventions and things like that. So over time, I think we'll see it more and more." Gemini Man's 4K, 3D and 120fps formats also made it easy for the effects team to create the full co-direction of the film. "In 24 2D images, you can often do something like this, but the problem is that it looks a bit wrong and people talk a bit about the weird valley and stuff like that. But the problem is, when you are at 2K 24fps, 2D, you can't identify the problem. You know it's wrong, but you don't know why it's wrong, because of motion blur, because of low resolution. "So 120 and 3D and 4K really helped the visual effects team because every image was sharper. They could compare it to all the old references they had to Will. He pulled tons of references from press appearances, old Will movies, Fresh Prince, you name it. So they'd have these references for just about every look young Will would give, and then they could look at him and (whoops), "oh, when he starts to frown, the corner of his lip does the wrong thing to do!" Things like that. So it was very useful for them. "There is a certain mistrust because there is a certain hindsight on the part of certain people... But it's really just a filmmaker using a different tool." Ben Gervais We asked if the perception of higher frame rates in Hollywood has changed since the release of Gemini Man. "I think there is. There is also a bit of hindsight. I think what people are starting to see is that it can be a legitimate tool. There is certainly a bit of caution, because there is a backlash on the part of some people. I like to say that critics in particular have great respect for film history... (laughs) And that can come off as a bit defensive, but really it's just a filmmaker using a different tool. "Ang is really trying to say, with digital cinema at the time, that we have this hundred years of glorious celluloid film history, and we made great art at that time. And Ang was part of that genius. But until now they were really digital cameras to replicate the look of celluloid cinema and all the restrictions that came with it. ) of the restrictions this technology placed on us was 24 frames, and that was the speed we needed to run a soundtrack. So that's what we use. It wasn't not a creative decision, it was 24 better than 25 or 23. It was just the number of people that settled down."