This year's iPhone 13 deals are Apple's best yet, but are they worth it?

This year's iPhone 13 deals are Apple's best yet, but are they worth it?
On paper, this year's iPhone 13 deals offer a very tempting array of options. As always, the name of the game is trading; a time-honoured tactic by the big carriers and Apple itself to get these customers to switch to the newest, shiniest devices. With several options for free devices, this year's deals look particularly good, but are they worth it? Now that we've had time to sit down and look at the full range of iPhone 13 deals available from the major carriers, and a bit of time with the devices themselves, it's time to think objectively about value. As an iterative update, the iPhone 13 isn't as enticing a leap from the iPhone 12 as some might have hoped. Some may want to keep this old device for another year, in which case, let us help you with an expert review. We're going to dive into the best iPhone 13 deals in this article, explain why they're so strong this year, and also compare them to the iPhone 12 and previous Apple devices. We're also giving a general verdict on who we think this year's iPhone 13 deals are better for — spoiler: it's more complicated than you might think.

Apple iPhone 13 deals: finished this year

First, let's take a look at what Apple has to offer when it comes to iPhone 13 discounts. So, right off the bat, we're pleasantly surprised by Apple's maximum trade-in cashback value of up to $790 on all orders. iPhone 13 device advances. For context, that's the biggest possible savings we've ever seen. Apple – A company that has always been known for its rather conservative (some would say slim) offerings on iPhones. Typically, trade-in values ​​range from €210 to €500, with the former being the top savings with last year's iPhone 12 at launch and through Black Friday. In short, Apple is really stepping up its trade-in program for this year's releases. Current trade-in estimates for the iPhone 13 range from €790 for an iPhone 12 Pro, €530 for an iPhone 12, and €340 for an iPhone 11. These are amounts that can significantly lower the price of a new iPhone 13 and even you can get a small discount of €110 for the iPhone 8, if it's still in good shape.

Carriers are improving their game, too

Bring these trade-in discounts to major carriers and you'll potentially have even bigger savings. For example, AT&T and Verizon are currently offering trade-in discounts of up to $800 on the iPhone 13 and a whopping $1,000 off Pro models. That's potentially enough to buy a free device, though the catch, of course, is that all offers come with expensive unlimited data plans. Sadly, there's no way around the dreaded plan link, but the good news is that both carriers' iPhone 13 deals are available as a simple one-line upgrade. This means that, unlike some iPhone launches, existing (loyal) customers are no longer left behind with your upgrade discounts. Again, as with Apple's iPhone 13 deals, these support options are much better than what was previously offered for the iPhone 12 and are worth considering. Arguably Verizon's best deal last year was its Black Friday trade-in rebate of up to $700, with an extra $400 for new customers. The main benefit of this was that you were locked behind a new line on an unlimited data plan, so existing customers didn't have much of an upgrade option. AT&T was also offering a $700 discount with a new plan, again, much more limited than its current iPhone 13 deals.

Image of the specifications of the iPhone 13 deals

(Image credit: Apple)

An iterative update?

So why are this year's iPhone 13 deals so generous with their trade-in options? We think the answer is pretty straightforward: iPhone 13 is just a very, very generally iterative update to last year's iPhone 12. Make no mistake, if you're looking for the most powerful and brilliant new device on the market, the iPhone 13 will always be the device of choice. But, a new processor, camera, and battery upgrades can't really take away from how similar this device is to last year's 12 models. A few years ago, Apple broke through its yearly phone release cycle by releasing 'S' variants of previously released devices, essentially new phones in the same 'chassis', but with a little 'extra' oomph under the hood. We've seen it with the iPhone 6S, iPhone XS, and to some extent the iPhone XR as well. The iPhone 13 is truly an “S” model in disguise, although it is very powerful and complete with a lot of notable improvements. The move from iPhone 11 to iPhone 12 seemed like a quantum leap in comparison. It not only got beefier internals, but a whole new look and, for the first time in an Apple device, full 5G support. Many iPhone 12 users are probably looking at their devices right now and wondering if it's worth upgrading. Inform the big carriers and Apple with hefty trade-in discounts to tempt these users to the dark side. Since Apple devices still tend to launch between September and October, this time of year is a big deal for carriers looking to tie their customers up with another round of unlimited plans. And you'll notice that even iPhone 13 deals from modest carriers still come with expensive unlimited data plans.

Apple iPhone 12 Pre-Order Professional Pricing Deals

(Image credit: Apple)

Old friends, now cheaper

Speaking of the iPhone 12, Apple hasn't officially abandoned the 2020 Standard Model or the iPhone 12 Mini. In fact, the tech giant has kept these older devices as part of its lineup for the end of 2021 with a recently reduced price of $100. Right now, you can buy an iPhone 12 for $699 up front and an iPhone 12 Mini for €599, and that's before interchange fees are taken into account. A $100 discount on both devices makes them very tempting options for those looking to save a bit of money on an unlocked device. When it comes to internal upgrades, they're obviously not as powerful as the latest iPhone 13 models, but both devices are still excellent 5G-enabled flagships. If you're not eligible for a pricey carrier switch offer, a recently discounted iPhone 12 might be a good fit for something like a cheaper prepaid plan. You won't save a lot of money on your device right away, but you'll avoid paying too much for at least two years with an expensive unlimited data plan. Mint Mobile and Visible Wireless are two particularly good options if you're looking for a super cheap unlimited 5G data plan that won't break the bank.

Ultimately, is the iPhone 13 worth it?

This might be the toughest year yet to figure out if it's worth upgrading. The iPhone 13 isn't a huge step up from the 12, but this year's upgrade deals are good enough to make even the most jaded Apple fans sit up and take notice. If you already have an iPhone 12 and think you can get by for another year without an upgrade, then sitting on this one is definitely a viable option. The basic design is the same, your device is still very powerful for 2021, and you'll only be giving up better battery life and a better display. That said, if your iPhone 12 qualifies for a lucrative carrier switch, a 'free' upgrade is definitely worth considering, especially if you're determined to stick with a major carrier and don't mind not renewing your line. Where things get less nuanced, in our opinion, is for Apple fans still using older hardware like the iPhone 11 or older. For those users, even those with unlocked devices, this year's iPhone 13 deals offer some really interesting exchange rates, even on devices that are showing their age now. They're much, much better than last year's offerings, so now is a great time to consider upgrading to a 5G flagship. Plus, the lower-priced new iPhone 12 series offers another good option if you're looking to save a little extra cash.