Here's what you need to know about Roborock robot vacuum technology

Here's what you need to know about Roborock robot vacuum technology

(Image credit: Roborock)

Robotic vacuum cleaners are known to be much more practical than traditional vacuum cleaners, but you may not have given much thought to the technology required to create a high-quality robotic vacuum cleaner. Since robotic vacuums have to be moved, companies have spent millions of dollars developing their navigation technology, with many newer models using ultra-sophisticated laser navigation systems.

Roborock is one of these companies and has been known for its excellent robotic vacuum cleaners for a few years now, thanks to the tremendous features of these laser systems.

These laser navigation systems have many advantages over older camera-based systems, making vacuum cleaners with this technology more efficient than their camera-based counterparts.

For starters, laser navigation systems are much more accurate than camera-based systems. Camera navigation systems can only base their navigation on what they can see through the camera, and as such their spatial awareness is somewhat limited. Laser navigation systems, however, avoid this. Thanks to laser technology, these robotic vacuum cleaners can scan a room 360 degrees hundreds of times per minute. So whether the objects are in front of or behind the vacuum, they know where it is in the room.

Once the vacuum has created a map of your surroundings, you can also take advantage of other amazing features. For starters, if you spill something or need to clean a particular spot, you can pinpoint where you want the cleaner to clean. You can even set it to clean individual rooms, perfect for families with messy kids. And, just as you can tell the vacuum to clean certain areas, you can also tell it not to clean certain areas. This could be useful if she is worried about the drive hitting a breakable object. The Roborock S6 is a good example of a vacuum cleaner with these features. It is equipped with a very high precision laser mapping system.

(Image credit: Roborock)

Of course, since a laser-based robot vacuum can scan a part so quickly, it can also see where objects are in real time. Most robotic vacuums create a map of a house so they know where to go when they clean, but if you move objects you can often disrupt the navigation system. This is not the case with robotic laser vacuum cleaners which will automatically generate a new house map and can react accordingly. It is much more accurate.

Accuracy is not just a matter of convenience. Because it's more precise, you won't have to clean as long, which saves energy. Since you don't need to clean that long, you can set it to quickly clean the house when you shop.

(Image credit: Roborock)

Another important advantage of laser navigation systems is that they can work in all lighting configurations. Visual-based robotic vacuums don't work as well in low light, which defeats the purpose of the robotic vacuum. Why? Well, one of the advantages of robotic vacuum cleaners is that they can work without you having to be present. This means you'll probably have to work them at night or at least when you're out of the house, during which the lights may not be on. Laser systems can work independently of lighting. So whether it's at night or with the lights off, the vacuum can still do its job when you want it to. For example, the Roborock S4 can use its laser navigation system to clean at night while you sleep, allowing you to wake up to a clean house.

The laser navigation system works in conjunction with other high-tech sensors to provide a superior experience. For example, many modern robotic vacuums have sensors to detect cliffs so they don't fall down stairs, as well as bumper sensors located at the top to prevent the unit from getting stuck under something it can't leave. Additionally, by using laser systems and mapping technology, vacuum cleaners can remember where they have cleaned and when, ensuring that if they run out of battery power, they can pick up where they left off.

Of course, when it comes to high-tech robotic vacuum navigation, laser systems are the answer. Roborock vacuum cleaners incorporate these high-tech systems and many other sensors to ensure an efficient experience.

Want to get one of these ultra-sophisticated laser-guided robot vacuums? Roborock sells a range, and they are available direct from the Roborock Amazon store. Continue now if you are interested in a vacuum cleaner that will make cleaning your home easier.