These are the machines that are usually present in today's offices

In the digital age, it is expected that offices will have electronic devices such as laptops or desktop computers, monitors and tablets. However, In order for productivity to be maximum, it is essential to also have other devices. Specifically we are referring to a series of machines.

Below we will see which machines usually make an appearance in offices, regardless of the sector to which the company in question belongs. We will find out not only its functions, but also the characteristics that the best models have..

Continuous use paper shredder


Some experts predicted that the physical format would end up being forgotten, but nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that every day, in offices throughout Spain, we deal with a large number of paper documents. When they are no longer needed, it is time to shred them. It is then that the fact of having a continuous use paper shredder.

This type of shredder is recommended for those offices in which a lot of documentation in physical format is usually processed. And manually shredding paper ends up becoming a tedious and cumbersome task. The opposite happens with the aforementioned machines..

The best paper shredders for continuous use boast a very high level of safety and They are capable of destroying many leaves at the same time. Although it depends on the model, we are talking about about ten simultaneously.

The result is excellent, since the microparticles generated only measure a maximum of 12 millimeters. To give you an idea, a single leaf ends up producing six thousand tiny pieces. All of them end up in a trash can integrated into the complex itself whose capacity is considerable: The average for a continuous use paper shredder is around one hundred liters.

Tag printer


We continue talking about paper to bring up another machine that uses it to print a type of element that is very necessary in most offices: labels. Did you know that there are devices created specifically for this purpose?


Label printers stand out for being very small as well as efficient. They are capable of shaping labels with astonishing speed: almost a hundred in just sixty seconds. Some only print in black and white, but others can also print in color.

Air purifier


It is undeniable that, for many companies, the health of their workers has always been a priority. However, as a result of having experienced a situation as complicated as COVID-19, this concern has increased. That is why in numerous offices they are being seen lately. certain machines that have been manufactured with the well-being of employees in mind.

Ignoring the concern for their health, it must be said that a worker who is in full physical and psychological health provides greater performance in terms of work. In short, getting certain machines is an investment for companies, which ends up more than paying off. This is demonstrated by the air purifier.

We are faced with an electronic device that collects harmful particles that are present in the environment. The implemented filter eliminates this type of impurities, subsequently emitting pure air that is a pleasure to breathe. Allergies, rhinitis and other similar problems disappear completely, with all the positive things that this entails in terms of health and productivity level.

It is notable that this type of machines are characterized by being very efficient. Thus, energy consumption is very low considering that they spend so many hours on. For all this, it is very worth it and little by little more offices are encouraged to get one. or even several of them if the surface to be covered is of considerable size.



Explain certain concepts to a group made up of many workers It can be an odyssey using screens such as a laptop or monitor. Generally we are talking about panels that do not exceed 24 inches. The situation changes drastically in case the content is displayed on a panel of 80 inches or even larger. How to get it? Very easy: with a projector and a screen with its respective support.

Presenting the bases of a new project is one of the uses that offices usually give to projectors, but it must be said that in recent years an additional one has emerged that we cannot ignore. It is about promoting team building within the office itself. To this end, once in a while a group video session is held, for example playing a movie that the majority of employees may like.