Do online entrepreneurs have to be autonomous? When and how to sign up

Online entrepreneurship has become one of the most recurring options in the current business environment. After all, the Internet offers a long list of facilities when starting a professional activity. It doesn't matter if we are talking about freelance work or starting a virtual store: in all cases it is easier than ever to earn a living with a simple computer. However, when the economic results begin to be substantial, it is time to render accounts to the Treasury. Hence, the doubt about whether it is mandatory to register as self-employed is very common. We solve it for you!  

When a sporadic activity becomes habitual

One of the key points when giving rise to the self-employed It is if the activity that is being carried out is sporadic or if it becomes habitual. In case your online functions have become the method with which you make a living, then it is time to register as a self-employed person. Otherwise, the sanctions by the Treasury will not take long to arrive at the doors of your house. Let's see it with an example. Let's say you have experience in web design. If a few friends ask you to make a page for them, you don't have to be self-employed. Now, what happens if you start generating customers month after month? Very easy: It's time to make invoices and declare your benefits. Something for which it is necessary to be officially registered in the RETA.  

The legality of the invoices

In addition to the above, we want to give special interest to the billing process and how the self-registration in this matter. It is very likely that your clients will demand an invoice for the services you provide or the products you sell.. This will allow them to deduct the cost of your work at the business level, as well as keep a millimeter record of accounting. However, it should be specified that yes you can do it as long as the value of these invoices is not profitable in case of self-employment (you know, with the fee and taxes). Now, if we are talking about some tickets that are going to help you earn a living, even more so if they exceed the SMI per month, it is essential that you invoice as a self-employed person.  

Meet your tax obligations

Now that you are clearer in what case you are going to have to request the high in autonomous As a result of your online venture, let us talk to you about the consequences of it. It is clear that the underground economy is much more juicy, at least in the short term. However, the risk of suffering sanctions and the fact of not contributing They mean that the benefit of being self-employed is to operate legally and to add capital for your retirement. Of course, in regards to the volume of profits, you will not find any advantage. In your invoices you will have to include the IRPF, a tax that starts at 7% the first year, is at 15% in the minimum expression and from there it goes up). You must also have the self-employed quota: a monthly payment whose flat rate for the first year is €80, but which can reach €500 at its highest values.  

How to register as a freelancer

If your venture meets the previously listed conditions, you have no other choice: you have to acknowledge registration of self-employed. However, before doing It is recommended that you look for an agency that assumes this process for you. Only then will you avoid future complications and make sure you pay taxes in the category that corresponds to you. Regarding the steps that these offices will take for you, we found the completion of model 036 or 037 and its immediate presentation at the Treasury. Document in which it will be indicated that you want to subscribe to the flat rate of the self-employed quota. Also They will be in charge of registering you in the RETA, where they will select the epigraph of your activity. Some issues of a bureaucratic nature that, next to it, will not leave you with headaches.