Nvidia reportedly ordered 5nm chips for a "mystery" product

Nvidia reportedly ordered 5nm chips for a "mystery" product

Nvidia is doing something using a 5nm process, rumor has it, although anyone can guess what this hardware might be. This comes from a DigiTimes report on how chipmaker TSMC is profiting from increasing orders from Nvidia and AMD, and apparently some of Nvidia's requests are for a 5nm chip. No matter what 5nm product, and any assumption at this point would really be a shot in the dark, it won't be anytime soon of course, so you can forget about the idea that, say, the GeForce 3000 series will be 5nm ; Nvidia's next GPUs will be at 7nm. Obviously, it's just the word of industry sources who spoke to DigiTimes (in a paid article), and the publication isn't always the most reliable when it comes to rumours, so deal with that with a healthy dose of skepticism.

Apple y AMD

Apple has already placed 5nm orders with TSMC, we've already heard, that the A14 chips will be used in the iPhone 12, and supposedly for the ARM processors that should be used in Macs in 2021 (rumor has it, Apple will release some sort of Mac with ARM technology in the first half of next year). AMD is also expected to place 5nm orders with TSMC for next-generation Epyc (Genoa) processors for use in servers. DigiTimes also notes that TSMC should seriously benefit financially from increased orders from AMD and Nvidia, in terms of 7nm products (and also 16nm and 12nm from the latter, which includes the Nintendo Switch processor and existing GeForce graphics cards). ). cards). Via Tom's Stuff