Nintendo faces legal action over a persistent problem on Joy Cont of Switch

Nintendo faces legal action over a persistent problem on Joy Cont of Switch
An American law firm is suing Nintendo over the notorious "drift" problem with the console, the Nintendo Switch. Joy Con "drift", as it is commonly called, occurs when the analog (mostly Joy Con on the left) begins to record commands without user intervention, causing for example unwanted movement of characters or objects on the screen. In games that require more precision, such as first-person games, it can make the game impossible. The default is a recurring one that has haunted gamers since the console launched in 2017. So far, the company has not taken any action to remedy the issue. Various information portals, such as Kotaku, also reported the lack and lack of support. On Reddit, a 27,000 upvoted post calls for an end to Nintendo's silence on the issue. Until, as indicated by the Go Nintendo portal, the Chimicles law firm, Schwartz Kriner & Donaldson-Smith (or simply CSK & D), seeks witnesses who suffer or suffer from this problem. recurring and feels financially distressed, before the trial officially begins. "The action, in favor of the owners of Nintendo Switch and Joy Con, governs the laws on consumer protection, as well as on the guarantee of products and current laws," the lawsuit states. You can consult the process in its entirety by clicking here. Whether it has a real impact or forces Nintendo to take an official position on the issue, we'll have to wait for the story to unfold. - Via VG24 / 7