Microsoft wants to listen to your voice recordings, but will ask for your permission first

Microsoft has confirmed some important changes to the way it processes voice recordings. Now, users of corporate voice services like Cortana can decide whether or not the company stores and analyzes their audio recordings to improve speech recognition. “If customers choose to sign up, users can view these voice clips to improve the performance of Microsoft AI systems across a variety of people, speaking styles, accents, dialects, and acoustics,” explained John Roach, executive digital architect at Microsoft Transformation Services “The goal is to make Microsoft speech recognition technologies more inclusive, making them easier and more natural to interact with…Customers who do not choose to share their voice clips to people review them will be able to use all Microsoft voice command products and services." While people who opt in to Microsoft's new policy will be able to see their actual listening recordings, even those who opt out won't have their fully protected privacy. Microsoft will still be able to access transcripts automatically generated by AI algorithms during audio interactions, for example.

we can hear you

Microsoft's decision to give users the choice whether or not to listen to their audio recordings is a reflection of the changing nature of the privacy debate. Many other big tech companies, including Google and Apple, have also recently made efforts to improve user privacy. The coronavirus pandemic has changed the privacy policies of many companies, with workplaces often trying to collect more information about their employees' activities and platforms keen to capture more data to improve their services. While privacy advocates are likely to welcome Microsoft's change to its voice recording policy, the company's Teams platform will surely remain under scrutiny, after reports suggest the digital solution is following more. information about users as strictly necessary. Via ZDNet