Comparison between led screens for shop windows and outdoor led screens

The displays for shop windows Compared to outdoor LED screens, they are an extremely interesting comparison, since they present great differences both due to the environment in which they must be installed and the technical requirements that must be met to achieve good image quality and/or optimal use over time. . In this article we will review the main characteristics, the differences and the requirements that must be taken into account both for an LED screen for internal use (mainly shop windows) and for outdoor use.

Main characteristics of LED screens for shop windows

LED screens for shop windows have a design for interiors only, which makes them ideal for aesthetic displays, product presentations and to announce promotions, discounts and all those communication actions that a commercial establishment wants from within. Depending on the location of the LED screen for showcase, a type of screen must be chosen according to the high luminosity requirement that the premises must have to highlight the LED screen. On the other hand, the size and distance of the screen from the viewers must be taken into account. The results of the image and the colors will be better if a size of the LED screen is chosen in relation to the distance.

Differences Between Showcase LED Display and Outdoor LED Display

To begin with, we must highlight the installation of one for the other. Outdoor LED screens, even at low heights, represent a challenge from the perspective of assembly logistics, as well as from the aesthetic vision and the environment in which they will be installed. Outdoor LED screens must also have protection against the weather, as well as direct sunlight, which is not a concern with LED screens for shop windows. Another feature to consider is the level of resistance to rain and extreme temperatures, especially on frosty days and strong sunlight. LED screens for shop windows do not require all these efforts for their installation and security.

"Screens for Shop Windows"

As we have mentioned before, LED screens for shop windows are ideal for displaying commercial information, promotions, discounts, products, etc. With the right size, the right technical requirements and a strategic placement, the windows will be one more element to attract customers and increase sales.

Technical requirements for an LED screen for shop windows and outdoors

Although there are some differences between led screens for shop windows and outdoor led screens, there are many characteristics that must also be met to achieve the expected objectives and optimal performance.

1. Image quality and lifespan

When it comes to image quality, the requirements are the same for a storefront and an outdoor installation. Each of the projects determines the quality levels required in terms of brightness, contrast, uniformity, viewing angle, etc. In the same way, a good LED screen for shop windows or outdoors must have a high durability to ensure optimal performance during use. The necessary material to obtain this result is a chipset in combination with a battery of high-quality leds, collated with stainless protection materials.

2. Assembly and content

The ideal is to have substrates and products that are resistant to the environment that are not affected by humidity, wind, UV rays or high temperatures. On the other hand, it must have a fixing system that guarantees a safe and efficient assembly, which is both simple and fast. As for the content, you must have an intuitive content management system to upload the graphic materials, videos or convert them into advertising campaigns; all this with the idea that maintenance personnel do not have to spend a lot of time learning to operate the led screen and modify its content.


In conclusion, the installation of led screens for internal uses (mainly in shop windows) or exteriors is a solution that allows to gain the attention of the public in a more effective way and with a good visualization. It is important to keep in mind the characteristics, differences and technical requirements so that the use of the led screen is not affected in the near future and the best user experience can be achieved. In the market there are infinities of models, brands and characteristics that satisfy a wide variety of needs, and with this it will be in the hands of the user to make an intelligent decision. "Screens for Shop Windows".