Apple TV Plus trailer shows Emily Dickinson unleashed and untied

Apple TV Plus trailer shows Emily Dickinson unleashed and untied

"Forever is made up of letters," said beloved American poet Emily Dickinson. It's no surprise that Apple TV Plus, the streaming service for Apple TV, which is set to launch in late 2019, has some of today's biggest names to keep its platform going for the long haul.

The latest Apple Plus TV show? A comedic biography covering the life of Emily Dickinson, depicting her not only as single, as her critical appraisal has so aptly shown, but as a ghost letter looking to stir up trouble, join the circus, and (apparently) invent club moves. . Who said that poetry should behave well?

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Hailee Steinfeld (True Grit, Spider-Man: in Spider-Verse), the comedy series will present a revisionist history of the famous writer, whose formal and innovative reflections have become commonplace in many writings in English. Program.

This production is just one of many announced Apple TV Plus shows set to join the service, including The Morning Show (starring Steve Carell and Jennifer Aniston), a mental health documentary series hosted by Prince Harry and Oprah Winfrey. and Steven Spielberg anthology series.

Like Disney Plus, Apple's streaming service will enter a market saturated with content providers like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Hulu, and will likely struggle with a lack of content. in its early days. But if Apple continues to attribute big names to its service, with funny hooks to attract an audience, this could attract both the number of viewers and the number of rewards that they drink as long as they want.

By the edge