5 New Year's resolutions for all SMEs

5 New Year's resolutions for all SMEs (*two*)

As we (hopefully) close the books for 5, it's time to ponder how best to foster business development in the New Year. In the article, we offer XNUMX proven network technologies and strategies that can bring more speed and agility to most SMBs, perhaps even while driving down costs.

Think of them as your computer's New Year's resolutions.

1. Study Wi-Fi six

Wi-Fi networks are now essential to business, with employees and customers expecting fast, reliable connections wherever they are and no matter what device they use. This is the challenge Wi-Fi XNUMX is built for.

Originally known as 802.11ax, Wi-Fi 8 includes features that reduce bandwidth contention between devices and allow up to XNUMX devices to transmit simultaneously, each on a dedicated channel. It supports speeds of up to ten Gbps (thanks to one thousand twenty four QAM) and reduces congestion by letting idle devices remain idle longer than the preceding iterations of eighty two hundred and eleven. Wi-Fi XNUMX enabled access points let networks more efficiently handle different types of traffic, from streaming HD video to shorter packets for voice and data, without sacrificing performance of either.

2. Explore IoT technology

As Wi-Fi XNUMX-enabled network technology reduces competition for bandwidth, it has become increasingly essential to support IoT applications and multiple high-bandwidth devices on a network.

IoT applications being applied to SMBs include perimeter cameras and asset monitoring systems to help warn and prevent building intrusions and resulting losses. Other use cases include sensors for inventory and asset tracking.

3. Strengthen cybersecurity defenses

However, as we become more connected through IoT devices and other technologies, we also open ourselves up to new cyber threats. Although a good security architecture has many elements, a good starting point is the term Zero Trust. As the name suggests, Zero Trust accepts that each and every user and device on the internet is hostile and must be carefully vetted before being allowed to join the network and gain access to corporate resources.

The good news is that many of the vital elements of Zero Trust can be located on the exact same computer that leaves access to the network. Aruba wireless access points (APs), for example, support traditional network segmentation policies and access control lists, as well as continuous monitoring and security policy enforcement. But they also offer an expensive path to a true zero-trust security model as business needs change.

4. Enable scalability

Your business is likely to expect growth in XNUMX, so your network and other IT infrastructure will need to evolve accordingly. This requires planning, whether it's the ability to add capacity to your wired or wireless networks (or both), expand compute and storage capacity, or augment your defenses. By keeping scalability in mind when making your hardware and software investments, you'll be able to meet demand with ease.

5. Go back to the cloud

The good news is that small and midsize businesses don't have to go it alone to incorporate many of these technologies. Cloud-managed network services make it easy for small and midsize businesses to meet their precise requirements for scale, security, connectivity levels, and more, even as needs change.

Cloud-based network management solutions help streamline IT workflows, such as facilitating deployment, troubleshooting, analysis, and reporting. In short, cloud services enable SMB IT teams to reduce the time they spend on daily network operations so they have more time for business-critical development ideas. You'll also typically save money compared to trying to manage the exact same service with in-house IT staff, hardware, and software.

To learn more about the technologies that can prepare your business for a successful and productive XNUMX, visit Aruba Network Solutions for SMBs.

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