2020 could be the best year to buy a new smartphone or PC

2020 could be the best year to buy a new smartphone or PC

Smart device deliveries are expected to continue their encouraging growth in 2020 as consumers look to upgrade to the latest devices. New figures from Gartner have forecast device sales, including PCs, tablets and smartphones, to reach a growth rate of 0,9% in 2019, as the need for the latest and greatest devices continues around the world. Gartner estimates that 2,16 billion products will ship in 2020, compared to 2,15 billion this year.


Growth will be largely inspired by mobile phone sales, which Gartner says should rise 1,7% this year after a disappointing 2019. The increasing availability of 5G-enabled smartphones should inspire higher sales across the board. the world as consumers flock to upgrade their devices and take advantage of new high-speed networks. Gartner says it expects 5G models to account for 12% of mobile phone shipments in 2020, a figure that is expected to reach 43% by 2022. PC sales are also expected to remain strong as consumers and businesses are migrating from Windows 7, which saw its official end of life this month, to newer Windows 10 devices. The company estimates that one billion PCs will have migrated to Windows 10 by 2020, or around 80% of all PCs used. "2020 will see a slight recovery in the market," said Ranjit Atwal, Gartner's senior director of research. "The market totaled 2.15 trillion units, its lowest shipment level since 2010. However, 2020 will see a slight recovery. Increased availability of 5G phones will drive cell phone replacements, which will push global device shipments back to growth in 2020."