12 weird and wonderful console peripherals

12 weird and wonderful console peripherals
Bola de boliche de Wii

Wii Bowling Ball

Remember the wave of complaints from Wii owners who lost control of the Wii remote and smashed their television screens / loved ones? We hope you have never considered this accessory.

For anyone who thought Wii bowling lacked realism with the console's standard controller, this was definitely the ideal. To use this device, you just had to open it, insert the Wii remote control inside it and use it as you would a normal bowling ball. Well, up to a point, this was by no means a bowling ball that you were supposed to drop.

Unsurprisingly, this was not an official Nintendo accessory. Nor was it the only ridiculous sports accessory with other third parties creating golf clubs, pool cues, nun mandrels, and rowers.