10 Most Exciting PC Games Seen At PC Gaming Show 2019

10 Most Exciting PC Games Seen At PC Gaming Show 2019

The 2019 PC Gaming Show set up the epic at the Mayan Theater in Los Angeles ahead of E3 2019, and we've got the E3 trailers for the top 10 games featured at the PC gaming press conference. PC Gaming Show's list of games was almost too long to fit on one page. We've narrowed it down to ten, including long-awaited suites like Evil Genius 2, Baldur's Gate 3, and even Shenmue 3. Here are the best games we've seen at the PC Gaming Show.

Bad temper 2: world domination

This is the complete Evil Genius suite you've been waiting for, not just another spinoff from Elixir Studios' 2004 real-time strategy game. The developers, Rebellion, are finally bringing us a major update. The E3 trailer had no playability, the game aims to maintain a fun, colorful and joyful atmosphere. The fun cinematic video we saw goes in the direction of Team Fortress, but with a goal of basic construction and world domination.

Knight 2

Knight 2 is not dead, it will be released in early 2020 and will be released for the first time on the Epic Games Store. At E3, we learned that brutal battle scenes channeled your favorite medieval movies from a first-person point of view. You use axes to split your enemies in half, launch catapult shells, attack villages to burn them to the ground, and chop off enemy heads on horseback. According to Tripwire Interactive, you can even beat a man with a chicken while quoting Shakespeare in this 64-player PvP - that's twice as important as the original cavalry.

Ghost hunt at midnight

Midnight Ghost Hunt is in the process of inventing a new sub-genre - it is a multiplayer game of hide and seek. Lastly, no? Players are either a ghost in disguise or a ghost hiding in a haunted house, often taking the form of seemingly harmless furniture. The objective of the ghost players is to hide instead of counterattacking and doing it until the grandfather clock strikes at midnight. It is at this point that the hunted ghosts turn to the hunters and gain additional power to attack the detectives who are chasing the ghosts. An alpha for this PC game will be released later this summer.

Rest: ashes

The rest have big and terrifying enemies: the nightmares are done and the developer, Gunfire Games, advises you to take your friends to this complete cooperative shooter. It's the end of the world as we know it, with the exception of monsters that thrive and what we've seen, the choice of your weapon stands no chance. According to Gunfire Games, "you will die a lot in this game," and even when fighting it, there is a dynamic spawn system that modifies missions, non-playable characters, and monsters. Everything is handwritten, but the way they are connected gives you a different experience every time. The Perfect World publisher will release this game for PC on August 20, but "VIP" access will be made a few days before August 16.

Shenmue 3

Yu Suzuki is on stage at PC Gaming Show, and the legendary video game designer behind classic hits like Outrun, Vitra Fighter and After Burner has followed one of his biggest Dreamcast games: Shenmue 3. November 19, 2019 , this was under the Deep Silver label. Even if the 3D graphics won't captivate you more, it seems like there are more martial arts fights out there and the story is supposed to be the real selling point and fans of Shenmue will eat it up. above.

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3 is the loot-driven first-person shooter that advances RPGs. It will be presented to the PC on September 13. At the PC Gaming Show, we found out more details about Moze, the new Hunter Vault, and the fact that she summons her personal 'Iron Bear' mech to take down her enemies. It looks a lot like Borderlands. The max level has been raised to 50 in this game and you will be glad to know that the grenades are being upgraded. Now they can be recovered and then glued. You are not limited to sticky bombs and bouncing bombs alone.


"It's a bit like a shark with Grand Theft Auto," says Tripeater's witty tone. We remember the debut of this "Shark-PG" game on the PC Gaming Show last year, and we have more background on the people you will eat after this game is over. It looks like Scaly Pete, who hates sharks, is attacking sharks and the time has come to react. The ridiculousness of controlling a shark that bites everything in its path gives it a Sharknado atmosphere. Here's a real progression, with growth, life phases, and evolution that increase your feelings.

Tell lies

We liked Telling Lies because it is being organized to offer a unique gaming experience based on listening to and watching conversations recorded through a stolen NSA module. These secret convos revolve around four characters and you must understand what and why. It is supposed to take all the exploration of a game and apply its energy directly to the story. You are literally in an open world video game with over 10 hours of footage that you can tackle non-linearly.

Baldur door 3

We got our first look at Balder's Gate 3 last week, and the PC Gaming Show gave us more for the future, including a commercial that will be released in September. This is good news because Balder's Gate 3 does not have a confirmed release date outside of the Google Stadia and PC November 2019 release window.