Waarom RCS een belangrijke aanvulling is op WhatsApp in iMessage

Waarom RCS een belangrijke aanvulling is op WhatsApp in iMessage
            RCS oftewel Rich Communication Services: zo heet de beoogde opvolger van SMS to MMS.  Afkomstig van de welbekende GSM Association, est deze standaard anders dan misschien gedacht alweer zo'n 10 jaar oud.  Sinds enige tijd heeft Google como promotor de RCS opgeworpen, wat de adoptie in een stroomversnelling heeft gebracht.  De zoekgigant levert RCS onder de naam Chat (voorheen Android Messaging), maar ook proveedores kunnen RCS-diensten aanbieden.
RCS enables things like bundling messages and debates, integraciones de vídeo y el menú interactivo de selection buttons. Said has been able to use chat services such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger and Apple iMessage for many years - so what is the added value of RCS? To answer that question, conocimos spoke to Jeroen van Glabbeek, ejecutivo director of CM.com, a company that has specialized in SMS for many years, customer interaction in automating this. That experience bundles CM.com and la experiencia de "comercio conversacional", a menudo customer interaction a través de text messages and discussions. The company already provides that a través de las plataformas WhatsApp e iMessage, to which RCS has now been added. RCS, says Van Glabbeek, differs from the more well-known alternatives in a number of ways, especially on the Android platform.

onder de duim

It shares the most obvious advantage with iMessage: RCS messages arrive in the same 'messaging' app as text messages. That app is usually close to the thumb on the home screen of most smartphones. It is basic functionality, no 'separate app' needs to be installed or opened. No matter how large the adoption of WhatsApp, for example, is in the Netherlands, an SMS app is available on every smartphone. With that, RCS for Android offers the same benefit as iMessage on iOS devices: it's there by default.

Twee routes

The second distinction is of a technical nature: RCS can be provided both by google - a través de la aplicación Chat - and directly by operators. Through specially designed infrastructure des proveedores, a service provider such as CM.com can add a wide range of possibilities that are not available for standard person-to-person traffic. For example predefined respuesta rápida answers, mapas enriquecidos, carruseles de image y marcas, the better said: verification.

We met when he was dating me

RCS provides a Guarantee to users that the company they are communicating with is really that company. Conocí a with the help of a green check you know that you really conocí a Vodafone de Rabobank cita. Verification is important, says Van Glabbeek, because of smishing fraud, where a text message pretends to come from a bank. Not only is this harmful to people who garden in it, it also undermines user confidence. Through a clear Mechanism for verification, as people now know from the use of sites, verification should contribute to that trust in an open, recognizable way. A similar form of verification is also possible on April 2019 ha conocido Whatsapp. Partly because of this and thanks to the corona crisis, the use of Whatsapp has exploded in the past year, from a few tenants of customers to many thousands who now use it via CM.com. "It has developed in a short time from a luxury product, such as with KLM and the Netherlands, to a bitter necessity," said Van Glabbeek. "Not every company has people to sit by the phone at all, now that offices are empty and employees work from home."

Gesprek met the blow

“Knowing who you are talking to” may be an advantage that Whatsapp and RCS share, the latter differing from the more famous competitor with its ability to integrate payments. That está en Whatsapp en todas partes a través de un enlace (for example a Tikkie or a payment request) that leads you away to a separate sitio web. Se reunió con Google Pay más RCS make it possible to complete a transaction directly in the conversation. That is comparable to what is already possible in iMessage with Apple Pay. Said third distinguishing element of RCS therefore again mainly applies to the Android ecosistema - not unimportant, given the size of that market.

Android vs. iOS?

The combinación de ricas discusses the text with payments is what makes RCS an interesting addition to the existing range of instant messengers. And el ecosistema de Android, such a thing does not yet exist, according to Van Glabbeek, at least: in the West. And China, WeChat has long been the place where companies and people can communicate with each other and carry out transactions. WeChat is an example for the rest of the world of how rich you can make a messaging interface, says Van Glabbeek. Before we can get there, there are still a few things that need to be done. For example, Google Pay and the Netherlands are not yet available. On 17 de noviembre, the banks Bunq, N26 and Revolut announced support for Google Pay and the Netherlands. It is expected that more will follow, although Android offers banks more freedom to implement payment systems than iOS, where the use of Apple Pay for NFC payments is mandatory.

SMS blijft nog good same

Voor elke vorm van rich text discussions is a backup, en dat is SMS. Such as WhatsApp, iMessage from RCS-bericht niet kan worden uitgeleverd, wordt een SMS verstuurd. In toekomst kan RCS wellicht die universele fallback functie krijgen, maar dan met aanzienlijk meer mogelijkheden. Daarvoor zou dan wel ondersteuning op alle smartphones, including die van Apple, noodzakelijk zijn.

conversational commerce

For CM.com es el negocio principal de la empresa de comunicación y conversión and make payment options transparent for customers and end users. In the end, it should not matter which medium a user uses to contact him, he should be helped quickly and properly by a company. The naked that is via whatsapp or the iMessage - but also, for example, Instagram and the twitter mensajes directos are conceivable channels, according to Van Glabbeek. "The crux is to stack everything and link it into the business environment so that the consumer can use the channel he or she wants - and so can the company." If something cannot be extradited via RCS, it can still be sent via WhatsApp message or SMS. “It's about knowing for sure that it will arrive. El protocolo Het es secundario ”, Van Glabbeek summarizes. For CM.com it's about that reliable connection. Thanks to the form of a continuous discussion (after all, it does not disappear when you close the app), companies can make the relationship with customers more personal. To begin with, by being available for questions in this way, and also answering them quickly. CM.com also develops bots for the latter. They are faster and more effective at answering common questions than humans because they have direct access to back-end processes. However, as the relationship develops, the company can also approach the customer with relevant questions, or a good offer that really fits the customer's preferences. With that, conversational commerce should bring back the experience of the expert seller in the store, es decir, who has the trust of the customer. That is a goal that we can only support.
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