Tim Cook Says Apple 'Definitely Examines' Crypto and NFTs

Tim Cook Says Apple 'Definitely Examines' Crypto and NFTs It's pretty hard to avoid talking about cryptocurrency these days, and with all the hoopla, it seems even tech giant Apple wants to get involved. As reported by TechCrunch+, Apple CEO Tim Cook confirmed at the NYT Dealbook conference that the company is considering cryptocurrency, but without any fixed plans or details of what that would entail. When asked if he personally owns popular coins like Bitcoin or Ethereum, Cook confirmed that he does, stating that "I think it's reasonable to own them as part of a diverse portfolio," though he was quick to add that he wasn't giving anyone financial advice. . “It has interested me for a while. I researched it and so on… I think it's interesting,” he added. While his curiosity seems to come from a personal rather than a corporate perspective, the idea that Apple itself would develop cryptographic services hasn't been entirely ruled out, although we have a few years to see something materialize. When asked by reporter Andrew Ross Sorkin during the interview if Apple Pay or other Apple apps would accept cryptocurrency in the future, Cook simply said that cryptocurrency is "something we're looking at" but confirmed that there are no plans to allow cryptocurrency use. . to buy Apple products. To add to the unhappiness or excitement (depending on which side of that dividing line he finds himself on), when Cook was asked about his feelings on NFTs, he replied that he finds them "interesting as well." ". Take some time." to play in a way that is for the common person.

Analysis: time flies

An illustration of Bitcoin with a financial value chart.

(Image credit: eToro) Take all of this with a grain of salt, as it doesn't confirm that Apple has any plans beyond simply investigating whether cryptocurrencies and NFTs will be a worthwhile investment, which is a pretty safe move. for a technology company of this scale. As other big companies get involved, like EA, which claims that NFTs are part of the future of gaming, and Tesla invests in Bitcoin (and previously allowed customers to buy cars with digital currency), ignoring the possibility that this truly be the future of technology transactions. don't be wise After all, if Blockbuster had bought Netflix when it had the chance instead of denying that streaming would exceed physical rents, it might have survived. It pays to be too careful and keep adapting to the times. It may seem like NFTs and new cryptocurrencies are coming in like a flood, which can seem overwhelming, but if one of the world's biggest tech companies (and one that prides itself on innovating) is playing around with security, then it shouldn't. Don't feel pressured to get on board either. There's a good chance that all of this will come crashing down over the next five years and something entirely new will be touted as "the future of tech." Today's best Apple MacBook Pro 14-inch (2021) deals