Strategies to domotize your home easily

Strategies to domotize your home easily

Home automation is a technological system that is applied to the control and automation of a home, its purpose is to create a smart home in which an interaction between the user and the devices that are part of it occurs. It is worth noting that the control is carried out at a distance through a Wi-Fi connection with synchronization of the mobile device, tablet or computer, the technology used in home automation is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI). A smart home offers its inhabitants effective solutions to improve their quality of life, with the use of appliances with remote control functions which maximize the intuitive user-device experience.

home automation function

Home automation has the function of home automation, so that its users achieve optimal comfort with the optimization of the use of household appliances, through digitized control. The system is integrated with the home networks to favor the management of household tasks, it is important that the technologies work independently and communicate with the user through a command control and internet connection, coupled with the use of AI .

home automation elements

Home automation is made up of the following elements: management center It is the core of home automation or the base of the system that is responsible for distributing the information to the home automation systems. Embedded They are responsible for receiving the information to perform household chores effectively communication supports They establish the connection with the home automation devices Tips They transmit the information to the home automation system Actuators They are devices used for the specific execution of the scheduled task

Advantages of using home automation applied to a home

The digitization and automation of the functions of a smart home offers the user the following advantages:

Disadvantages of home automation

The drawbacks of installing home automation in a house are few, the following disadvantages can be mentioned:

What is home assistant?

The home assistant It allows the automation of household appliances that make up a smart home, it does not require a server for its operation, that is, it does not depend on the Internet or the cloud, which guarantees reliability and speed in its use. It should be noted that it is open source and is hosted locally, although it uses Python as its programming language, it is not required to know how to use it to enjoy the advantages offered by the software. The operation of the program is to control the smart devices in the house, which can interact with each other, regardless of their brand, applications are also used that maximize the experience of using the software.

How do you control a smart home with home automation?

To control a smart home, the home automation system is linked to a server that works as a control panel to program the use of smart devices, through applications such as ZigBee. Likewise, home assistant is compatible with alexa, both allow the control of home automation network devices in a smart home, home automation was born in order to provide its users with comfort and a good quality of life when performing household chores.