Salesforce Announces NFT Cloud Platform Amid Crypto Issues

Salesforce Announces NFT Cloud Platform Amid Crypto Issues

Salesforce announced on Wednesday that it has launched a closed pilot program for a new service called NFT Cloud, which allows users to create and manage NFTs for marketing and brand engagement purposes, even as the crypto market continues to grow.

Los NFT, o tokens non fungibles, entienden better como un método para tomar las huellas dactilares de un obra de arte in particular, un código o casi cualquier otra cosa almacenada digitalmente, utilizando la misma tecnología de cadena de blocs fundamental que la criptomoneda par create a unica copia de este artículo. The idea is that since this item is uniquely identifiable, it becomes "non-fungible" and may hold a particular value in the market, in the same way that a famous work of art has a value as a reproduction no hold.

Salesforce noted in its announcement that the NFT Cloud platform does not support proof-of-work blockchains: the creation of many cryptocurrencies relies on the use of enormous amounts of computing power, with commensurately large energy costs and carbon footprints, and Salesforce it is probably looking to avoid the criticism that many have leveled at the cryptocurrency industry.

The company says that it will instead use blockchain proof-of-stake technology, which almost eliminates the energy consumption of blockchain usage, and that NFT Cloud will automatically calculate carbon emissions for blockchain trading options, which will allow users to track their carbon footprint directly from the platform.

Salesforce also announced plans to address another common mistake in the crypto world: security. By using smart contract models to ensure honest transactions and branded purchase technology to protect against fraud, the company hopes to prevent the wave of hacking and fraud that has plagued NFTs and cryptocurrencies in recent years.

The cryptocurrency market has attracted a lot of interest from businesses lately, but companies looking to get into the technology face a number of hurdles.

Most organizations are likely unaware of the complexities of asset ownership in the digital realm, creating new security risks that businesses will need to address. Centralized digital goods exchange platforms are likely to suffer from the same vulnerabilities as other e-commerce sites, and due to the nature of the blockchain, transactions are not easily reversible in the event of fraud. Additionally, scams to access NFTs and crypto wallets abound, and some users may not be aware of the need for extensive testing of blockchain products intended for business use. Meanwhile, the price of bitcoin, one of the leading cryptocurrencies, has fallen by more than 50% in the last seven months.

Salesforce has not announced a date for the public launch of the pilot program or any details about further availability.

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