What is digital transformation? | The comparison

What is digital transformation? | The comparison

Digital transformation refers to the integration of digital technology into all areas of a business, which changes how it works. It's a powerful concept, one that companies that want to be at the forefront of technology are increasingly getting involved in, as shown in Constellation Research's 2017 Digital Transformation Study, which indicates that "64% of organizations recognizes that digital transformation is essential to generating profit. While the need for digital transformation is clearly present, with so many different types of businesses, the digital transformation process will be quite unique to each organization.

Change the culture of the company.

Keep in mind that digital transformation is not just about distributing smartphones to employees. On the contrary, it requires a change of culture in an organization, at all levels, from the CEO to individual employees, and in all departments for a successful implementation; This requires buy-in from employees and managers throughout the process. Digital transformation is not just about injecting digital into the business model. For example, adding a digital application, transitioning to a digital phone system, or choosing a business analytics provider are really extensions and optimizations of existing services. , while transformation refers more fundamentally to the heart of the organization to which digital transformation refers. Rather, it is about new sources of revenue in the digital world, such as new business with spin-offs or the creation of new digital units, in some cases, in an entirely new industry. Given the difficulties of such transformational change, many organizations would result, and only a minority of them can actually make the transition to this "digital culture." Under this digital transformation umbrella are the digital trends that companies are turning to. There are many, and most companies do not need to implement them simultaneously, but current trends include: