DeFi Qubit Finance protocol tapped for €80 million

DeFi Qubit Finance protocol tapped for €80 million

Qubit Finance, based on the Binance Smart Chain, was mined for more than €80 million by attackers on Friday morning, the developers confirmed in a post.

The protocol was operated by;
Hacker created unlimited xETH to borrow in BSC.
The team is currently working with security and networking partners on the next steps.
We will share more updates as they become available.

— Qubit Finance (@QubitFin) January 28, 2022

2. Ethereum QBridge captured the deposit event and reached €qXETH for the hacker on #BSC.

QBridge treats the deposit event as a #ETH deposit event because the `deposit` and `depositETH` methods of the #QBridge contract emit the same event.

— CertiK Security Rating (@CertiKCommunity) January 28, 2022