You will soon be able to access blockchain domains using any web browser

You will soon be able to access blockchain domains using any web browser

Blockchain domain registrar Unstoppable Domains has unveiled a new service that will extend access to decentralized websites to anyone with an internet connection. Through integration with Cloudflare's Distributed Web Resolver, the new setup allows .crypto web addresses (of which there are approximately 500.000) to be viewed from any web browser, anywhere in the world. Until now, the only way to access these websites has been through a plugin or a browser that already offers native support, such as Opera. However, with the new system in place, users will be able to enter .crypto addresses into their browsers just like they would any other domain extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.). TechRadar Pro has asked Unstoppable Domains for clarification on exactly when the change will take effect.

Blockchain domains

Blockchain web domains differ from their traditional counterparts in that they are purchased for a one-time fee, as opposed to running via subscription, and are not overseen by any centralized authority. Unlike .com domain names, for example, which are hosted on a server and managed by an organization called Verisign, decentralized domains are written to a public blockchain (which is distributed to all network participants). . According to Unstoppable Domains, this system offers a "new security model" because domain owners no longer have to worry about a central point of failure that could be exploited by hackers or cause downtime. "In an era where data breaches have become commonplace, when privacy and ownership of an individual's digital assets are paramount, centralized control has been challenged by many forward-thinking individuals and companies," said Matthew Gould, CEO of Unstoppable Domains. “This new system is different. Returns control to where it should be, in the hands of the user. " An added benefit is that cryptocurrency wallet owners can use their blockchain domain to send and receive cryptocurrency without having to remember a long and complex alphanumeric address. To make an encrypted payment, the sender would only need to know their human-readable domain name. humans.