Lord of the Rings TV Show: When is it coming to Amazon Prime?

Lord of the Rings TV Show: When is it coming to Amazon Prime?

If you haven't heard it yet, yes, a Lord of the Rings TV show is in the works.

Retailer, streaming service and production studio, Amazon has beaten fierce competition to buy the rights to the books, paying € 250 million (€ 230 million) for the privilege of creating up to five seasons on the basis of the epic record of novels by JRR Tolkein's fantasy, depicting a mystical world of elves, dwarves, dragons and hobbits besieged by a great evil known as Sauron (the great eye of the movies, do you remember?).

Amazon, like seemingly everyone these days, is looking to create the next Game of Thrones phenomenon (there's even an upcoming Game of Thrones movie coming up), and few original novels have as much cultural memory as Lord Rings Tolkein.

But if you think there could be movie adaptations of these books, you'd be right. The trilogy of Peter Jackson's films, The Ring Community, The Two Towers and The Return of the King, ran in theaters from 2001 to 2003, making this film an iconic piece of history. cinematic, and many will wonder how Amazon approaches Middle-earth can improve the originals.

However, the television series The Lord of the Rings will not be filmed again. We now know that the series will take place during the second age, which is a period of 3.441 years before the events of the movies (which take place in the third age). It's a lot of the time, although we don't know the scope of a story told by Amazon.

Like Frodo and his hobbit companions, Amazon always begins its journey to bring the Lord of the Rings to life for the small screen. We know enough about the set, the creative team, and when the TV series might appear on our screens to get us excited, and your adventure can begin below.

Cut to the hunt


(Image credit: Shutterstock)

The details of the show's content are still somewhat unclear, apart from the events that took place during the Second Age, which covers the rise of Sauron, the Dark Lord who created the legendary ring of power, which is destroyed at the end of the Return. King.

We hope Amazon is planning to create the five stations it has the right to create, which means we could have a story on an epic scale, spanning years, decades, or even years. centuries of magical Middle Earth.

Tolkein's status naturally protects your intellectual property, with the power to prevent Amazon from tampering with the canonical events described in Tolkein's writings (via the AV Club). However, Tolkein researcher Tom Shippey, who is acting as a consultant for the television series, suggests that Amazon will have a blank slate to work with:

"Tolkien wrote some of that, but as for the Second Age, the information we have is a three-page timeline on the Lord of the Rings and the annexes to the Númenor Kings list and a little more material on Unfinished Tales , but that's it "(via Deutsche Tolkein).

(All budding Tolkein map makers can take a look at this map posted by Amazon in the Middle-earth series.)

(Image credit: Amazon)

Lord of the Rings tv show release date

When will The Lord of the Rings TV show actually be on our screens? Rumor has it that production would begin in 2020 and given the expected sheer scale of the series, the show is unlikely to be ready to air until 2021. It's obviously a time to wait, but Amazon's ambitious plans for the series should mean that you have a lot to do. frenzy when it lands.

What an ambition Amazon Tolkein consultant Tom Shippey said 20 episodes are scheduled for the first season (via Deutsche Tolkein). If we assume a duration of 40 to 60 minutes per episode, it is necessary to film a lot of television. (And you thought the movies were long!)

The Lord of the Rings TV Show - Who's Involved?

(Image credit: Warner Bros)

Let's be clear: you are unlikely to find faces from the Peter Jackson trilogy.

Given the chronology of the series, most of the characters in the film have yet to be born. Some of the older characters like Gandalf or Galadriel, or even Sauron, can appear hypothetically. There were rumors about the series starring a young Aragorn (per Tolkein's fan site, theonering.net), although this has been contradicted by the official time period announced.

We hope the series will find interesting ways to integrate elements of Tolkein's world that viewers are already familiar with, but considering the different production teams and past production, we think the actors are unlikely to take on their roles.

However, we do know interesting information about the writers and directors involved. JA Bayona (Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom) will serve as executive producer and will also lead the series' first two episodes (via Variety).

Production design will come courtesy of Rick Heinrichs, who has worked on the dazzling Star Wars: The Last Jedi, while Game of Thrones screenwriter Brian Cogman will serve as consultant for the series.

JD Payne and Patrick McKay will be the main presenters, working together on the Star Trek: Beyond and Star Trek 4 stages, which has just been canceled, and the upcoming Godzilla Vs., released in 2020. King Kong

You can watch a video introduction from various members of the creative team in the video below:

Meet our community pic.twitter.com/Npouu6ZlRt27 July 2019

Lord of the Rings on Amazon: How to Look

The huge expenses Amazon spent on acquiring rights makes perfect sense when you consider the entire Amazon ecosystem. In fact, anyone who wants to stream a TV show will have to sign up for Amazon Prime in order to do so.

A subscription to Amazon Prime (€ 12.99 / € 7.99 / € 6.99 per month) will allow you to access the entire Amazon Prime Video library, which you can access via browsers, smart TV apps, streaming devices like the key Fire TV or even a smartphone. tablet apps.

Prime Video includes popular shows like The Boys, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, The Grand Tour, and Good Omens. Amazon isn't quite the width of Netflix yet, but there are some cool titles, as well as access to the Amazon Music streaming service and a host of other membership-related benefits. .

You also benefit from faster delivery, often in a single day, as well as discounts and exclusive offers under the quality of a premium subscriber. You can see everything you get for the service, and if it's worth it, in our article on Amazon Prime.

The TV show Lord of the Rings will be in 4K / HDR?

(Image credit: future)

As amazing as Peter Jackson's trilogy of LOTR films was, with The Fellowship of the Ring garnering an Oscar for best cinematography, it has been more than a decade since the last film. Video recording equipment has improved considerably and there is the possibility of a real visual redesign of Middle-earth.

We strongly suspect that Amazon will shoot the show in 4K Ultra HD resolution (3,840 x 2,160 pixels), to highlight landscapes and characters with more specific detail than HD movies.

Amazon was also an early supporter of HDR (at least before Netflix) and we hope to see the HDR10 + streaming used on the Amazon platform, to improve contrast and performance. vibrant colors Don't forget you'll need a 4K HDR compatible TV to take full advantage of these enhanced images.