Nvidia to release new 'anti-cryptomining' GPU to replace RTX 3060

Nvidia to release new 'anti-cryptomining' GPU to replace RTX 3060 The GeForce RTX 3060 was released on February 25, 2021, along with an announcement from Nvidia that the hash rate (or mining efficiency) of the graphics card has been deliberately lowered by around 50% to make it an unwanted option. for retailers. hopefully the entry-level ray tracing GPU will find its way into the hands of gamers. While that unfortunately failed, with certain mining enthusiasts exploiting various methods to use cheap graphics cards in their rigs, Nvidia has chosen to go back to the drawing board rather than throw in the towel. Cryptocurrency mining is certainly not the only reason why stocks are so low for the RTX 3080, RTX 3090, and RTX 3070, but it's certainly a contributing factor on top of insufficient production and scalpers using bots to buy inventory for resell it for exorbitant amounts on online auction sites like eBay. The information was provided by HKEPC Hardware, which states that we will not see the rebranded GeForce RTX 3060, but rather the GA106-300 GPU chip for the board replaced with a new GA106-302 GPU chip. This updated chip would be given a new PCI Device ID, making the old drivers for the card unnecessary. This is important, given that Nvidia's driver update removed the hash rate limiter from the original RTX 3060, despite a statement given to PC Gamer about the difficulty of bypassing protections placed on GPUs. In the statement, the company said that "end users cannot remove the hash limiter from the driver. There is a secure handshake between the controller, the RTX 3060 silicon, and the BIOS (firmware) that prevents driver removal. Fee limiter hash ". Not only will the new GA106-302 GPU actually work as expected with this driver update, but additional mechanisms will be included to try and prevent Ethereum from being mined with the card.

The second time, is it the charm?

Hello Ryan. It's not just a pilot thing. There is a secure handshake between the controller, the RTX 3060 silicon, and the BIOS (firmware) that prevents the hash rate limiter from being removed. More Info The situation seems a bit hopeless at this point, with miners proving time and time again that they are happy to get to work around material restrictions, some even going so far as to build mining rigs specifically to frustrate the mining community. gamers, like building six RTX 3080s in a BMW i8. Either way, it's hard not to praise Nvidia for at least trying to make life difficult for them. We'd be surprised if this new GPU remains unfigured for a long time, but we'll find out soon enough. The updated RTX 3060 has apparently already transitioned from the old to the new chip according to an undisclosed Taiwanese manufacturer, with the release date set for May. Whether it's through a crash in the cryptocurrency market or these built-in restrictions that have proven successful, we're keeping our fingers crossed that more players can get their hands on the Ampere line soon. Today's best graphics card deals

Via VideoCardz