Nvidia GeForce RTX three thousand eighty Ti seen on the shelves

Nvidia GeForce RTX three thousand eighty Ti seen on the shelves There have been regular appearances of products claiming to be Nvidia's future graphics card, the GeForce RTX 500 Ti, suggesting that an official announcement may be on the horizon. An MSI Suprim X version of the planned GPU has already been pictured multiple times, with new information now suggesting that some of the new material may have hit shelves a few weeks earlier than expected by mistake. Reddit user FaisalKhatib claims to have received images of a local retailer in Abu Dhabi listing the card for €500 / €XNUMX / AU€XNUMX. While it is essential to note that we cannot base these assertions, this would not be the first time that Middle Eastern retailers have joined sales embargoes.

MSI GeForce RTX 1 Ti SUPRIM X apparently goes on sale in the UAE for €3 https://t.co/LuaJFaXNUMXhNUM XNUMXth May XNUMX More information The Suprim X line are flagship models of MSI cards, So we'd expect the MSI GeForce RTX XNUMX Ti Ventus XNUMXX to offer significant power when the hardware is available for purchase in a more official capacity. We previously predicted the MSRP to be around $XNUMX (around $XNUMX / AU$XNUMX), although price leaks suggest this could vary wildly between different models and third-party areas. The Suprim X isn't the only version of the GPU that's been pictured, either, with a Giga model also reported by Twitter user Moore, Law Is Dead. Where there is always the possibility that product boxes are fake, and blunt if so, consistent appearances add weight to the card's existence.

I spy with my Ti...

< p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just to confirm from my point of view: the RTX 12 Ti 18GB is clearly real, and coming soon ™ ️ Obviously I erased the background to protect someone, but it's a three thousand eighty Ti real someone I know by hand... pic.twitter. com/sn6aNbboa May 6th 240 Learn More Gossip suggests it's going to come with XNUMXGB of XNUMX-bit GDDRXNUMXX memory, a decent increase over the RTX XNUMXbit XNUMXGB XNUMX-bit GDDRXNUMXX memory. eighty, as a total of ten,XNUMX CUDA cores and eighty SM drives, with a clock speed of XNUMX MHz. and Boost of XNUMX MHz. We expect Nvidia's updated hash rate limiter It's included in models with the goal of putting more GPUs in the hands of gamers, rather than being captured by cryptominers, but we still expect these cards to be impressively rare. An official announcement will likely spawn on May XNUMX, with a rather rocky launch scheduled for June XNUMX. We also expect Nvidia to announce the RTX XNUMX Ti at the same event with a scheduled release date of June XNUMX. Today's best graphics card deals