Netflix just raised the Australian price on its basic and standard plans

Netflix just raised the Australian price on its basic and standard plans

After offering Australians a price increase for its Premium plan late last year, Netflix is ​​now increasing the price of its remaining Basic and Standard plans in Australia, as News reports. As of today, the price of Netflix's Basic plan has increased slightly from AU$9,99 per month to AU$10,99 per month, while its Standard plan has seen a larger price increase. increasing from AU €13,99 per month to AU €15,99 per month. Netflix's basic plan offers a single standard-definition stream, while its standard plan provides two simultaneous high-definition streams, with the ability to download content to two devices for offline viewing. Fortunately, Netflix's Premium plan in Australia is still priced at AU$19,99 per month, offering subscribers four simultaneous streams in resolutions up to 4K, as well as the ability to download content on four devices. Speaking to News, a Netflix spokesperson said that "we're updating our prices so we can continue to invest in more shows and movies" and that "there will be different plans so people can choose a price that fits their budget."