Amazon Prime Premier League Live Matches Will Be Free

Amazon Prime Premier League Live Matches Will Be Free

Amazon Prime has confirmed that its last live Premier League games for the 2019-2020 season will be streamed for free. All four games, which have yet to be confirmed, will air sometime after the Premier League resumed on June 17. Alex Green, Managing Director of Prime Video Sport Europe, said: "We will be making the four additional Amazon Prime Video devices available for free during the 2019/20 season - fans will not need a Prime subscription to watch the games on Prime Video. ". That means soccer fans will be in for an even bigger celebration of free live games when the action resumes in two weeks. The BBC has already confirmed that it will broadcast all four of its games, which will be the first time the broadcaster has broadcast live Premier League games. And Sky Sports also revealed that 25 of its 64 games will be available on Sky Pick, a free channel available on Freeview. In total, this means 33 live Premier League matches will be available for free, which is a refreshing change from the recent dominance of pay channels like Sky Sports and BT Sport. The latter will also feature 20 games, but so far, there is no news on the provision of non-BT subscribers.

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We asked Amazon Prime exactly how it would distribute its four Premier League games, but said: "We don't yet have any details on these devices or how they will be available yet." That means it's still not entirely clear how non-Prime members will be able to watch the games, but it's possible Amazon simply hosts them on its Prime Video Premier League page, allowing you to watch via a web browser or to be. Prime-enabled device. Video application. Watching games through a web browser could mean you can also add additional Prime Video-compatible services, like TwoSeven, to help you chat with friends while watching games. The news is a welcome new boost for football fans who have been forced to watch endless, nostalgic Premier League rehearsals over the past two months. You just have to know exactly what the list of devices will look like; we will inform you as soon as we get it.