Online game retailers will no longer accept pre-orders for the PS5 in SA

Online game retailers will no longer accept pre-orders for the PS5 in SA

Koodoo, one of the largest online game retailers in South Africa, has announced that it will no longer accept your money in the hope of a PS5 console. In an email to subscribers, the retailers said they would not be taking another round of pre-orders due to the continued delay in shipments of the product to South Africa. Sony has been experiencing a shortage of the much-sought-after console around the world, with street vendors selling the ones they get their hands on at wildly inflated prices. The company recently explained that the slow pace of PS5 production to meet demand continues due to shortages of semiconductors and other components. This means that while Sony wanted to ramp up production to keep up with all the pre-orders that were piling up around the world, they couldn't. As a result, Koodoo tries to avoid creating a virtual "line" of customers who have deposited their money but are now waiting months to get what they paid for. Instead, the retailer said it would place live orders once it checks stock at its distribution center. Although they couldn't give a concrete date, they said: "Save a date for early March, giving players some hope. To be the first to know when their supplies run out, it's recommended that you sign up for their mailing list." , since these consoles will disappear in seconds.