Crypto-Infused Decentralized Blockchain VPN Launches in Beta

Crypto-Infused Decentralized Blockchain VPN Launches in Beta

Not content with being labeled "the world's most advanced blockchain app platform," Skycoin is launching a VPN app to give users privacy, security, and anonymity. Launched in beta as part of a larger Skywire network upgrade, Skycoin operates as a virtually free currency while also serving as a blockchain application platform. When an individual holds Skycoin, they generate hours of coins, which can be used to purchase Skywire services or exchanged for more Skycoin. Meanwhile, Skywire aims to provide the next step in Internet development by leaving ISPs behind. It is a community-managed mesh network running on user-owned nodes. It promises reliability without tracking, storing or selling browser data.

Enhanced features

One of the main features of the Skywire network is the anonymity it promises to users. The new update builds on this by giving users the option to connect to a VPN and proxy server based on their location. “The Skywire development team is delighted to release the Skywire VPN client in beta,” the Skycoin blog said. “This long-awaited feature will simplify the ability to use Skywire's end-to-end encryption, security and privacy. Users will connect to Skyminer operators and choose VPN servers from all over the world. Skyminer operators may decide to advertise their own VPN server to other network participants to make the VPN service even more powerful. Other updates coming to the Skywire network include the availability of additional diagnostic tools in the hypervisor control panel and the addition of two new transport types, including Holepunch Transport and TCP-Resolver Transport, which should make it easier for users to connect with each other.