Debunking three myths about the future of work

Debunking three myths about the future of work

First impressions, gut reactions, and unexamined assumptions about the future of work fit in with conventional wisdom. Even when they turn out to be fake, people still believe them.

These are the three biggest myths about the future of work.

Myth 1: Zoom fatigue is a real problem

When the first wave of pandemic shutdowns hit in 2020 and employees began working from home on a massive scale, everyone started complaining about "Zoom fatigue."

And the "zoom fatigue" was real. The impact of isolation has caused people to abuse video conferencing tools. Zoom and its competitors dominated the workday, with most of the day spent on video calls. And it extended to personal time, as people started having long video calls with family and friends.

This disease reminded me of the carpal tunnel syndrome epidemic when millions of people started using PC and mouse combinations all day at work in the 1990s or phantom vibration syndrome when people started carrying smartphones in their pockets in the early 2000s.

You don't hear much about these conditions anymore because people have adapted.

The same goes for "zoom fatigue." People have adapted. Meetings are becoming shorter and more precise. Long personal video calls are on the decline. And people are psychologically getting used to video conferencing.

A new study from the Pew Research Center found that three-quarters (74%) of surveyed workers who use video conferencing tools "agree" with the amount of time they spend using them.

Yes, there is still "zoom fatigue". And, yes, a superior replacement technology is coming (i.e. avatar-based augmented reality meetings). But it turns out that "zoom fatigue" isn't the problem people thought it was.

Myth 2: You can only travel to places with fast local broadband

The work-from-home, hybrid, remote, and digital nomad revolutions were built on a foundation of emerging technologies.

These came with significant advances. The home computer. the cloth home network. mobile computers. Wireless. Smart phones.

The two most recent breakthroughs have come from a single company, SpaceX.

The company's Starlink satellite service, which charges €110 a month for a fast internet connection anywhere in its growing service area, has enabled telecommuters to work very remotely, in small towns, on remote islands or in remote locations. the top of the mountains.

Starlink has eliminated the need to live in a big city to access a fast Internet connection. As a result, the service surpassed a quarter of a million subscribers in March.

Last week, the company took another giant step.

He announced that for an extra €25 a month you could take the service with you. So take your satellite dish with you when you're traveling or abroad, and you'll still enjoy fast Internet access, as long as you're within the service area, which includes most of North America and most of Europe.

These two giant Starlink hops mean you can get a fast internet connection - and do some real work - over a wide area without worrying about connectivity. Starlink is another technological product that radically expands the options for living and working as a digital nomad.

Even better, the company continues to increase network performance with improved software and additional satellites in orbit.

Myth 3: The Great Resignation is a disaster

More than 47 million people left their jobs last year.

And the trend has continued through 2022. Overall, job turnover has increased by 20% in the post-pandemic world and remains at that level.

And the reason is clear: flexible working, the integration of remote work and flexible living places, in particular the possibility of moving to more affordable regions, have considerably reduced the penalties for resignation.

The headlines are alarmist, treating it like a crisis. But is it?

To begin with, the magnitude of the problem is exaggerated. While 47 million people quitting their jobs sounds like a disaster, it's worth knowing that 42 million people quit in 2019, before the pandemic hit. Therefore, the number of people who drop out of school is higher, but not much higher.

The bottom line is that people who have recently left their jobs leave because they feel empowered to improve their lives, their work and their location, whereas before they felt too pressured or scared to do so.

If anyone thinks trapping employees in a life they don't want is some sort of corporate advantage, I disagree.

Instead, it is far better for employees to have the freedom to choose the life they want, work that gives them meaning, and for companies to work harder to improve the employee experience and figure out how to be the best solution for their workers.

The so-called "Great Resignation" is really an opportunity in disguise.

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