Brave browser now has a built-in crypto wallet

Brave browser now has a built-in crypto wallet

Privacy-focused web browser Brave continued its breakthrough in crypto with the launch of the Brave Wallet, a free, self-preserving crypto wallet built right into its desktop offering.

The Brave browser, which has more than 42 million users, presents the new wallet as a one-stop shop for users to store, manage and exchange their cryptocurrency wallet.

Brave claims that, unlike most hot wallets, the Brave wallet is browser native, which means that it does not require any extensions, reducing security risks and dependency on CPU and memory.

“The rise of cryptocurrency has propelled blockchain applications into the mainstream, but like any fast-growing innovation, this rapid rise is not without its challenges. One of the hurdles is the crypto wallet industry's reliance on extensions, which introduces friction for DApps. adoption and often causes users to lose funds through fake extension phishing scams,” said Brian Bondy, CTO and co-founder of Brave.

Full crypto wallet

With Brave Wallet, users can send and receive cryptocurrencies and view live and historical market data by integrating charts with CoinGecko price data.

The wallet will also allow them to shop using fiat currency through Wyre and find the best price from a list of providers with built-in exchange functionality. Users can also connect Brave Wallet with hardware wallets such as Ledger Nano X and Trezor Model T.

The Brave wallet supports all Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) supported blockchains, such as Polygon, xDai, Avalanche, and others.

Brave also notes that, unlike other wallet extensions, Brave Wallet is built with an open MPL license, in order to encourage contributions and create an active community of developers.

The Brave wallet is free and users simply need to download the Brave browser or update their Brave desktop browser to the latest version v1.32. Brave Wallet related settings can be accessed in the Wallet tab of the browser settings page (brave: // settings /).

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