Nobody likes Mozilla accepting cryptocurrency donations

Nobody likes Mozilla accepting cryptocurrency donations

A rather innocuous tweet from Mozilla requesting donations of Dogecoin, Bitcoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrencies drew heavy criticism on Twitter, especially from the creator of the browser company.

Dive into @dogecoin? #Bitcoin and #Ethereum HODLing? We use @BitPay to accept donations in #cryptocurrency December 2021, XNUMX

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At the time of writing, the tweet has XNUMX replies and XNUMX retweets of citations, practically all negative. The most scathing criticism came from Mozilla creator Jamie Zawinski, who wrote:

Hi, I'm sure whoever manages this account has no idea who I am, but I founded @mozilla and I'm here to say fuck you and fuck you. Anyone and everyone involved in the project should be ashamed of this resolve to partner with the Ponzi scammers who are scorching the planet. January 2022, XNUMX

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Now, saying "go to hell" to someone simply asking for donations to support the Mozilla Foundation, which runs the Mozilla Firefox browser, might sound a bit harsh, but it comes in the context of increasingly lively chatter on Web3, the nickname applied to cryptocurrency by certain investors and creators in Silicon Valley.

Web3's most vocal supporters are Andreessen Horowitz, or a16z, who recently had a falling out with Twitter creator Jack Dorsey, who recently left the company. According to them, Web3 offers a "decentralized" alternative option to Web2 - think Fb, Google, etc. Al., although this is an alternative option dominated by a16z wallet companies such as OpenSea and Coinbase.

mozilla debate

Whether or not blaming Mozilla for soliciting crypto donations is right or wrong is somewhat irrelevant - the overall topic is so exciting that any mention is red meat to critics.

As stated by the creator of Dogecoin, one of the most puzzling success stories in cryptocurrencies:

Reading the comments on this thread, as much as I decry the fact that the crypto brothers are counterproductive in marketing, the vitriolic, abhorrent, hyperbolic, hypocritical and self-righteous whining coming from the anti-crypto is a thousand times more unbearable than the pro- crypto 🤷‍♂️ January 2022, XNUMX

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The whole discussion obscures another important detail: Mozzila has been collecting donations through cryptocurrencies since at least two thousand and fifteen, with very few inconveniences.

In XNUMX, people are rightly concerned about the ecological impact of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin (which uses enormous amounts of energy to 'prove' ownership), and the outrage is likely to be related to these factors.

As Zawinski asserted, admitting cryptocurrency is admitting “Ponzi scammers cremating the planet,” an opinion that is not entirely false.

In agreement with Zawinski, Peter Lins, who helped build Gecko, the Mozilla-backed engine behind Mozilla Firefox, argued that "Mozilla is supposed to be better than this."

Hi @mozilla, I guess you don't know me either, but I designed Gecko, the engine that your browser is based on. And I'm 2022% with @jwz on this. What. The. Authentic. You were supposed to be better than that January XNUMX, XNUMX

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More like Web2.5?

The future of the crypto space is quite difficult to know - there have been too many ups and downs to make accurate predictions. Who, after all, would have thought that Bitcoin would hit € 50,000 a few years ago? (If you did, then you are scrumptious now.)

The basic technology, the blockchain, has interesting applications, but the existing drawbacks (high transaction fees (especially for Ether), centralization around certain companies, huge fluctuations in costs, endless scams) are quite abundant.

Separating what is true about cryptocurrencies and what people have a financial interest in saying (because, for example, they have a lot of coins) is actually quite difficult, and no wonder many cryptocurrency holders " normal" end up losing money. Much of crypto activity is, in its current form, eminently a form of unregulated gambling.

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