What are the cyber risks of using ChatGPT?

What are the cyber risks of using ChatGPT? The last few years have seen an increase in the use of Chatbots, especially with the advent of ChatGPT. But what are the ChatGPT cyber risks? The use of ChatGPT presents some cyber risks for users. What these cyber risks are and how to avoid them is explained below.

ChatGPT cyber risks

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence based chatbot platform. This platform is designed to learn from human-chat conversations and improve its artificial intelligence through repetition. This means that while users can get quick and accurate responses when talking to a chatbot, there is also a risk that the information provided could be used for malicious purposes. One of the main risks associated with the use of ChatGPT is the risk of information disclosure. This means that when conversing with a chatbot, users can unintentionally reveal personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, home addresses, etc. This information can be collected by cyber criminals and used for malicious purposes. Another risk associated with the use of ChatGPT is the risk of fraud. This means that users can be tricked into giving away information or making unwanted purchases. This can be done by sending links to fraudulent websites or sending deceptive messages about offers or discounts.

How to avoid the risks of ChatGPT

Fortunately, there are some steps users can take to minimize the risks associated with using ChatGPT. The first thing users need to do is make sure that the information they provide to the chatbot is correct. This means avoiding providing personal information such as email addresses, phone numbers, etc. Furthermore, ChatGPT users should be aware of the risks of fraud. This means that users should avoid clicking on suspicious links or making unwanted purchases. Users should be aware that chatbots do not always provide accurate or up-to-date information. Lastly, users should make sure to use a reputable antivirus to protect their device against cyber threats. Panda Security it is one of the best security solutions available. This security solution offers protection against malware, ransomware, spyware and other cyber threats.


The use of ChatGPT presents some cyber risks for users. These risks include the risk of information disclosure, the risk of fraud, and the risk of malware. Fortunately, there are some measures that users can take to protect themselves against these risks, such as avoiding providing personal information, being aware of potential fraud, and using a trusted security solution, such as Panda Security.