9 things to do once you've finally installed Big Sur

9 things to do once you've finally installed Big Sur
            Después de otra semana ocupada de la FMH, una vez que finalmente haya logrado instalar Big Sur a pesar de los problemas de descarga de Apple el día del lanzamiento, aquí hay nueve cosas que puede probar primero.</p><h2>Verifique sus contraseñas de inmediato</h2><p>Safari ya almacena sus contraseñas y le permite saber si las ha reutilizado en varios sitios y servicios.  En Big Sur, agrega una nueva función llamada monitoreo de violación de datos.
To do this, Safari uses strong cryptographic techniques to regularly check a bypass of your passwords against a list of broken passwords in a secure and private way that doesn't reveal your password information to even anyone. Apple doesn't know. If Safari detects a potential breach, it will notify you and help you update your password. Given the sophistication of phishing and other scams, checking your passwords with this tool should be on the to-do list of every business user moving to Big Sur.

Customize your control center

The new macOS has a new Control Center that works much more like the one you use on iPhone or iPad. Includes controls for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Do Not Disturb, Now Playing, and many more features. You can also add controls, including items for battery power, quick user switching, and more. You can also choose to host controls in the Control Center, the Dock, or both. Set things up as you like in System Preferences> Dock & Menu Bar.

Naturalize notifications

Notification Center now puts the most recent notifications at the top and fills the space below with a variety of Today widgets that you can configure to suit your needs. They've also become more interactive, so you can reply to emails or check your schedule from space, for example. You can also add new widgets or move existing widgets. Apple has also opened up notifications so developers can now create their own widgets with Swift UI, which can be helpful: some businesses may choose to create widgets at the inventory or order status level. For example.

Share a reminder

While I imagine most companies are already using a more powerful workgroup solution, Apple has made several useful enhancements to reminders in Big Sur. The ability to assign reminders allows you to share them with other people. Just press the I button to configure this. Reminders will also automatically suggest dates, times, and locations, based on similar reminders you've created in the past, and scan your email to automatically display any potential reminders you might need.

Set up your Safari home page

No matter how busy you are or how professional you've become, it's always nice to see the smiling face of someone you care about: parent, child, spouse, lover, or family dog. . Safari's all-new, information-rich home page lets you choose an image that will appear in the background every time you open a new browser window. To customize the page, open a new Safari browser window and scroll down until you see the gear icon at the bottom right. Tap on it and you'll be able to configure the fields you see on this page and choose an image to use. (This feature is exclusive to Safari 14, which also works on earlier editions of macOS.) While you're in Safari, go to Menu > Safari > Safari Extensions and check them out.

Translate a web page

The world is full of contrasting visions. To expose yourself to the way of thinking of people from different countries, it is good to read websites written in these languages, except that we cannot, because we do not all speak other languages. Enter Safari: Open a page in any supported language (English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese) and you should see a translation icon appear to the right of the address bar. Unfortunately, this feature is not available everywhere.

Be you inside

A new Memoji editor in Messages allows you to create a small graphic that matches your personality and mood. You can choose from a wide range of head shapes, hairstyles, hats, and other options, so you end up with over a trillion potential combinations.

Create a guide in Maps

Apple has created a new feature called Guides. These are created by Apple's own experts and will guide you to new places with helpful recommendations for restaurants, sights, and more. But you can also create and share your own guides. A business user can think about it creatively. The HR department can create local guides to share when onboarding new employees or to help educate those traveling from offices in other countries, while B2B knowledge workers can create guides for them. professional contacts to help them get the most out of the experience when they visit for the next meeting. To create a guide:

Scan documents directly to your Mac

Apple has improved scanning in Notes. You've always been able to use the Continuity Camera to use your iPhone or iPad as the source camera for scanning items on your Mac, but the scans you take are now more precisely cropped and will transfer automatically. Follow me on Twitter or join me on the AppleHolic bar & grill and Apple discussion groups on MeWe.
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