El solsticio estival es la temporada del año en la que hace demasiado calor para salir a trabajar en el jardín. Conque estoy adentro para contrastar el estado de múltiples computadoras y revisar lo que se debe hacer para sostenerlas felices y saludables. La primera cosa que hago es revisar exactamente en qué versión de la función estoy. Si aún utiliza Windows diez dos mil cuatro o bien 20H2, es hora de actualizar a 21H1. (Si tiene una computadora veloz y un SSD, el proceso habría de ser rápido; me tomó unos veinte minutos de principio a fin instalar la versión de funciones).
I'm still a fan of using Target Version (TRV for short), where you use a registry key (with Windows 20 Home) or a Set Policy setting (with Windows 2 Pro) to choose the version of functionality desired. An easy way to use the registration key procedure is to use links in Askwoody's place. If you have used the registration key procedure before to continue on 21 or 1HXNUMX, you can now download the XNUMXHXNUMX registration key and install it as well. Remember that this registry key adds the following values:
Windows Registry Editor version 5.00
"TargetReleaseVersion" = dword: 00000001
"TargetReleaseVersionInfo" = "21H1" Note: If you are using Configuration Manager or Intune, you must use a CSP policy to set the feature version, and then let the computer check for Windows Update and also install the feature version. You may not see the new version right away; be patient and wait for them to offer it to you. If you are running Windows 21 Pro (with access to the Local Set Policy Editor), there is another way to jump to 1HXNUMX. Click on the search box and type change set policy. Start the console and go to Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > Windows Update, and lastly go to Windows Update for Business. At the bottom, you should see "Choose the target version of the feature update". Click to activate and also enter 21H1. And now you wait for them to offer it to you. Waiting patiently has never been my forte, so I frequently jump to the Windows XNUMX ISO download site. The "Update Now" link lets you download a small program that triggers the installation of 21H1. In the early years of feature releases, I had to deal with side effects on a regular basis, like missing display port drivers and other options. Distributors are now used to the once-a-year frame rate and I don't have to worry as much about the side effects of feature releases anymore. I also keep an eye out for driver updates from vendors. Major vendors often have driver monitoring software that will alert you when there are free driver updates. However, I do not advise the use of third-party monitor tools. They tend to be malware distribution mechanisms. Stick with Acer, Lenovo, Dell, HP, or other vendor sites for global PC drivers and Nvidia and Intel for specific video, chips, or network drivers. If you're already using Windows 21, upgrading to 1HXNUMX should be quick and easy; your distributors should fully support you now. When you click the "Upgrade Now" link, you will be presented with a Windows10Upgrade9252.exe file. Click to start the application; It will check if your computer has enough space and memory to perform the update. If you are ready to go, the update will begin. Remember, if you have any issues, you can go back to the previous version within XNUMX days by clicking Update & Security, then Restore and choose "Go back to the previous version of Windows XNUMX". You can also extend this window from ten to thirty days by clicking on the search box, typing cmd and right-clicking on "run as administrator". Click Yes to approve the User Account Control request. At the command prompt, type DISM /On line /Set-OSUninstallWindow /Value: thirty One thing I saw: The Windows update process sometimes does not show up in the update history, even though the feature update has been performed . This inconsistency is, in a way, an abnormal normality; if you see it, I suggest you upvote this feedback item and report it to Microsoft. Your system is fine, you really are on Windows 21 1HXNUMX, but Windows update history isn't always as accurate as it could be. One concern about the feature release process is that the vast majority of users have probably already upgraded to around 21H1 and didn't realize it. (What you may have felt is that one of the "Patch Tuesday" updates took considerably longer than a normal update.) This confusion of the patching process tires everyone. And that means that if feature updates cause side effects, users generally avoid the updates. Feature updates have given Windows Updates an unfair reputation for messing with settings, introducing new icons, and generally breaking systems. It's not the security fixes that cause the issues, it's the feature release process. Let's face it: changes that we are not notified about disruptive technology. Being Windows XNUMX, there doesn't seem to be any major changes to the updates. Yes, change feature releases to once a year. Yes, this leaves consumer and family users with a XNUMX-month support window for each feature release, a huge benefit for family users. But for business users (and IT admins), the biggest change will be in the suite policy settings. While Windows XNUMX is currently in beta testing, I'm still on the lookout for future policy settings. In Windows XNUMX, Microsoft moves the Windows Update set policies and also introduces a category called "Legacy Settings".
Microsoft Legacy Settings in Windows 21 La first section répertoire les stratégies héritées, qui vont de « Ne pas afficher l'option « Installer les mises à jour et arrêter » dans la boîte de dialog Arrêter Windows » à « Configurer la planning des notifications d' Avertissement de redémarrage automatica pour les updates." The next category of the Windows 1 Suite Policy is called "Manage the end-user experience." Here you can "Disable automatic restart for updates throughout active hours" and configure "Display Options for Update Notifications" (These settings are not new, just reordered.) Another section of the Set Policy simply reorders "Windows Server Update Service Settings", which includes settings that we've seen before, including "finishing the localization of the Microsoft intranet update service" and configuring the frequencies accordingly. The last category is "Direct updates offered from Windows Update." This is where you can choose when to defer previous view versions and feature updates. You can configure a Set Policy to "Disable backups for feature updates" in case you are unable to install a certain feature update. This is also the category where you can particularly set "Choose target version of feature update". While these set policy settings are being reordered to make more sense, I don't see any essential changes. I consider Windows XNUMX to be another version of features, which I will choose and manage as I do for Windows XNUMX. The only difference is that this time I can't possibly get it on my machines due to hardware requirements. At the moment, I'm getting XNUMXHXNUMX on my Windows XNUMX machines and I'm looking forward to announcements from Microsoft's Inspire Partner Conference this week.<p>Copyright © dos mil veintiuno IDG Communications, Inc.</p>