food near me

food near me If you are new in a town, you went on a trip or you are visiting a friend, and you want to know where there are stores of food near me, one of the best options is to use Google Maps on your mobile phone. Because in addition to being one of the most precise tools, that is, the country, city or address does not matter, it will always offer you the best options. It is also very easy to use, not to mention that you can have it on both iOS and Android phones. In addition, it does not necessarily show you only takeout places, but also food delivery establishments. You only have to learn to use it and here we will give you a step by step, so that, when locating a place to eat, you know exactly how to do it.

Google Maps is your best ally

For some time now, takeaway or home delivery services have become a "must" for society. But with the Covid-19 pandemic, it stopped being a comfort, to become a necessity. It is that by not being able to leave, these service modalities had to be activated, even in countries where they were not implemented at all. But How do you know where those food places are, or the grocery stores in your area of ​​residence? Simple, you just have to activate Google Maps on your smartphone, and follow these steps:

Filter places by price or distances

It is assumed that when you are looking for food places, what you want is that they are close to you; that is, from your area of ​​residence. However, when you don't use any filters, Google Maps shows you an order based on other people's scores, as well as other things. But, you can completely change that, when you are the one who chooses the filters, always according to what you are looking for. For example, if you want to find the cheapest restaurants adjacent to your residence, you'll probably be given these options: But, then how are these filters used?, or where do I place them? You just have to follow these steps:

food sites by rating

If you don't care about the price, because what you want is quality, then you have to choose the rating filter. That way Google Maps will show you the results of the best restaurants, near where you are. As in the "Prices" filter, you have to follow these steps:

Google Maps on iOS and Android

The Google Maps tool is one of the best in terms of searches for places, hotels, restaurants, but it is currently setting a trend in terms of "takeaway food" or "home delivery". Best of all, is that you can already get it both in iOS as in Android. And although they are different brands, the application works very similar in both. In the case of map graphics, both use the same base for their operation, that is, they both show buildings on 3D, streets, colors, among other elements. However, Android has indoor data that iOS does not. However, iOS have a better design section. And although both are very similar, Android has more advantages in terms of functionality.

Find food by apps

Although Google Maps already has the option of "take away" or "delivery" food, there are people who prefer to locate restaurants through their application. But, that is possible when you know the food places that you have near your house. When you are completely unaware of them, it is always best to use Google Maps, because in less than a minute, and according to your filters, it will select all the restaurants adjacent to your area. And you don't have to walk even a meter to discover them, so don't hesitate to start using this precise, easy and wonderful tool from Google.