Elder Scrolls Online is heading to a new location for its next expansion

Elder Scrolls Online is heading to a new location for its next expansion

ZeniMax Online has unveiled the latest upcoming expansion for The Elder Scrolls Online, which promises to go to a never-before-seen area of ​​Tamriel. A Twitch reveal stream is scheduled for the end of the month where more details will be revealed.

So far, there is still no information on where this new area could be based. Nonetheless, ZeniMax has released a trailer that gives gamers some potential clues.

The trailer shows 3 ships, representing the Daggerfall Covenant, Ebonheart Pact, and Aldmeri Dominion factions, sailing to a new coastline (or island, potentially). The area exudes a medieval Mediterranean feel, while being surrounded by mountainous landscapes.

You can see the trailer here:

It looks like it's going to be quite a nautical theme either way, which is a departure from the general fantasy vibe of the larger planet of Tamriel.

Be sure to watch the reveal stream at the end of the current month!

Elder Scrolls Online is still going strong in XNUMX and shows no signs of slowing down. This announcement of new content is likely to thrill fans, most notably with the announcement that an entirely new area of ​​Tamriel is being filled.

Fortunately, gamers don't have much time to wait for more details on the MMO's plans for XNUMX. ZeniMax Online will host a Twitch stream on January XNUMX at XNUMXpm EST revealing everything. Throughout the show, a more in-depth look at the new expansion will be featured, as well as other upcoming DLC ​​coming throughout the rest of the year.

However, this is not all. If you watch the reveal on Twitch, if your ESO and Twitch accounts are linked, you will receive a Barbacle-supported Coral Crab Pet and an Ouroboros Crown created via Twitch Drops.

The varnished crab rests on the rock.

A Crab covered in Branicles can be yours if you watch the reveal stream. (Image credit: ZeniMax online)

The crab does indeed look very sea-inspired, suggesting that the game could be about to take on a nautical flavor.

The new areas appearing in Tamriel are nonetheless an exciting hook for a new expansion. Even if you're not an Elder Scrolls Online player, this new location may appear in future franchise media that interest you.

Hell, this is still possibly the new setting for The Elder Scrolls XNUMX. Don't bet from there that, more effectively, Bethesda possibly lays the groundwork for what's to come. Unlikely. Very improbable. Extremely unlikely. More possible.