Best single player games 2019: best games to play solo

Best single player games 2019: best games to play solo

Welcome to our selection of the best single player PC games of 2019. Single player PC games offer exceptional game quality.

Find out all the numbers you want on the popularity of Fortnite or how League of Legends occupies many arenas around the world. However, a well-designed solo experience has the unmatched ability to train in meticulously designed worlds and immerse yourself in unique environments. ways of narration

Even in recent years, the best single-player PC games have conquered new technical and narrative limits. That's why we decided to put together 10 of the best single-player PC games that you can play in 2019.

Be sure to check out our selection of the best PC games that offer the best single and multi-player PC games in a wide range of genres.

1. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Best Single Player Games: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

Four years after its release, millions of players continue their solemn journey in the war-torn world of The Witcher 3. It remains a watermark of video game storytelling; The side missions with modest peasants in the political lynchers and barons seem to receive the same degree of love and attention from the writers.

It's the game that has made Geralt of Rivia, a hero with a bold and concrete voice, a game icon (and soon to be the star of a Witcher Netflix show). The world is not only sensational in terms of scale and variety of topography, but also in terms of the meaning of history and life, as it seems that every town, every castle ruin, or every cave has a story to tell.

The fact that The Witcher 3 is as impressive as when it was first published is a testament to its pioneering role in the medium.

2. Doom

Best Solo PC Game: Doom

(Image credit: Bethesda)

There is something audacious old school about a game that removes any significant plots in favor of ruthless violence. In 2016, Doom, you're halfway between a human ram and an artillery gun, ripping apart and decimating a familiar but redesigned army of demons in the most satisfying way possible.

A key idea is that to get health and ammo, you have to sneak into the enemy and shoot Glory Kills, forcing you to always be face to face with the screaming ghosts and obese Cacodemon heads.

Everything in the game, from this forward thrust to the soaring tech-metal soundtrack, drives you and takes your breath away after each game like no other game...

...Except perhaps for the future to come.

3. Resident Evil 2: REmake

Best Solo PC Game: Resident Evil 2: REMake

(Image credit: Capcom)

A remake of one of the great survival horror games may be a poisoned chalice, but Capcom has managed to create some excellent work both in the series and among all video game versions.

Like the original, RE2 REMake has two overlapping campaigns like Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield. Although it follows the narrative rhythms of the original game, it is also an example of modern design, solving puzzles and opening shortcuts around the Mazey Raccoon City Police Department.

Every zombie is a deadly bullet and deadly threat, resources are limited, and an infallible blue man dressed as a cooked detective walks around after a good chunk of the game. Remake or not, it is one of the best horror games ever created.

4. heavenly

Best Solo PC Game: Celeste

(Image credit: Matt Makes Games)

The makers of Towerfall, one of the world's largest multiplayer couch games, have transformed some of the game's best mechanics into a triumphant 2D platformer dedicated to climbing a mountain.

The main mechanism is the ability to move in eight directions, but as you go, you will face an increasing number of new obstacles and challenges. Finally, Celeste is an old and difficult time.

Many levels can be used in different iterations, and this entire finger-breaking platform is wrapped up in a heartwarming tale of friendship and tribulation. For the modern 2D platformer, Celeste feels as big and seismic as Super Meat Boy was when it was released nearly ten years ago.

5. Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

Best Single Player Games: Assassin's Creed: Odyssey

(Image credit: Ubisoft)

Taking a year in 2016 to rethink the Assassin's Creed series was a wise decision for Ubisoft, and this decision paid off with Odyssey. Get inspired by role-playing games, it's an incredibly vast adventure in an open world set in the arid blue idyll of the Hellenic peninsula.

It's not just the beautifully reconstructed Greek landscape and architecture that make Odyssey happy - it's the way Alexios and Kassandra's story is woven through history and myth, and how it refines some systems, such as naval navigation and ships. previous enemies at the game level.

Some will hesitate to say that it is no longer the killer coat and dagger game that the series is known for, but the reality is that it has become much more important.

6. Total War: Warhammer 2

Best PC games: Total War: Warhammer 2

(Image credit: Creative Assembly)

When the Total War series stalled with Rome 2, Creative Assembly is attacking one of the most inspired mergers of the video game genre and the IP: Epic Strategy and Warhammer.

Total War: Warhammer 2 embraces the asymmetry of its sources, each faction offering a unique tactical and narrative experience. If you also own Total War: Warhammer 1, all the major factions in the world are in the sequel.

The pirates of the Vampire Coast, hiding in the ruins of the city and crossing an underworld, embark on a treasure hunt and the dwarves crumble behind heavy armor, ready to defend themselves against any charge. 39; infantry.

Each campaign lasts for dozens of hours and offers endless confrontations between the best-designed and most ingenious armies seen in a strategy game.

7. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Best Single Player Games: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

(Image credit: software)

Sekiro is a tough, tough and amazing samurai game set in mythological feudal Japan. This is one of the best single player PC games you can buy.

If you've played Dark Souls or Bloodborne, you'll know what to expect and already know if their ruthless style is right for you. Some consider punitive fighting sadistic, others consider it an experience rich in challenges and unmatched rewards. No matter what you look like, you can't question the precision of Sekiro's mechanics.

If Sekiro differs from its spiritual predecessors, it is that it is less obtuse, with a linear and coherent narrative and an inclusion of elements from more traditional action games.

You're navigating vertically oriented levels looking for shortcuts and secrets, while the fight is all about finding the right angle and timing for that precious katana strike. It's never easy to land, but as soon as you start doing it regularly, you start to understand what the point of all this suffering is.

8. What's left of Edith Finch

Best solo PC games: Edith Finch's remains

(Image credit: giant sparrow)

A complete change of pace compared to the massive monsters that populate this best solo single player game list, Edith Finch is so poignant and so beautifully crafted that it will even touch the soul of walker simulators. The most stubborn.

As the title character, you walk through their recently abandoned grand family home on a twilight, haunted island in Washington state. You explore the richly detailed house, enter the still furnished rooms of each family member where you are overwhelmed by dreamy and surreal vignettes showing how they died.

It is a meditation game to reconstruct the history of a family that seems to be affected by a relentless curse.

Edith Finch is the kind of thematically heavy and highly organized experience that doesn't seem to live up to the word "video game."

9. hollow knight

Best Solo Player Game: Hollow Knight

(Image credit: Team Cherry)

Of all the genres that have made a comeback since the independent revolution about nine years ago, Metroidvania has been the biggest benefactor. The types of games that have emerged are not just memories from the good old days of the 90s, but many profound changes.

Hollow Knight feels like the zenith of the later years of Metroidvania design, and it has earned its place on this list of the best single-player PC games. You explore a delightfully lost underground realm as a titular knight, gradually acquiring skills that allow you to descend deeper into the world.

It's both grim and cute, magical and challenging, made up of thoughtful touches like the fact that Hollow Knight physically drops a card every time you look at the map screen.

10. Dishonored 2

Best Solo Player Game: Dishonored 2

(Image credit: Arkane Studios)

One of the tragedies of the single-player game is that the immersive sim, derived from first-person mind games like System Shock, Thief, and Deus Ex, has rarely been a big seller. Therefore, the future of masterpieces like Arkane's Dishaneored still seems dim.

Dishonored 2 presents you as an oversized assassin on a mission of revenge in sunny Steampunk town in the Karnaca sun. Each major area allows you to explore cluttered apartments, shops, and rooms from every angle before diving into your goals.

It's visceral in its battle of magic and black blades and ingenious in its level design, with the ever-changing mansion and time travel, Crack in the Slab, offering some of the most memorable gameplay you'll probably be entitled to. . play.